3: Testosterone Boys

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I straddled Brendon in our private room where we could still hear the beat of the music

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I straddled Brendon in our private room where we could still hear the beat of the music. He had two glasses and a bottle of whiskey next to us on a table, he intended on us getting drunk together. If not drunk then very much tipsy.

"Mr. Urie, you're very handsome. No need for this mask." I said reaching behind him and untying the straps, letting it fall between us. "No one can see us back here." I whispered in his ear.

I felt his excitement beneath me. "You're a very interesting person. No one has ever pulled my mask off before. Or if they have, they didn't get away with it." He smirked. Miss Jackson.

I pushed that thought out of my head. No, Brendon isn't a murderer. Sarah was just blowing smoke.

We drank whiskey while I gave him a regular lap dance. He ran his hands over my body and whispered that I was holy. I personally think it was the liquor talking.


"My dear I'm sorry but it's 10 o'clock and my friends are leaving soon. I must return home. But don't worry, I will be back for you." He winked. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of money and set it on the table beside us next to the empty drinks. He took his hand in mine and held it in front of each other's faces.

I was surprised that he didn't even try to make a move on me. He didn't kiss me. He didn't touch me in certain places. He didn't try to have sex with me.

"I'm sorry, but I think I fell in love tonight." He said in a seductive voice. He began to lean in but was interrupted.

There was a knock on the door. "B, lets go." A man stuck his head in.

"What Ryan?" Brendon asked impatiently.

Ryan took in the scene in front of him. "Are you actually getting involved with one of them?" He asked.

"Ryan shut up. I'll be out in a moment." He shooed him away.

"Is he your pet?" I asked once Ryan shut the door.

Brendon chuckled. "No my dear, just my friend." Then he put his hand on my cheek.

"Until next time," he kissed the back of my hand. "Alice." He smiled. Then he stood up and left me.

I looked at the wad of cash on the table. Holy shit, we'd have food on the table every day of the week!

He gave me $400. Enough to pay the rent and have food.

When my shift ended, I walked home to my apartment with the cash in my coat pocket praying I wouldn't get mugged on my way home. The streets could be so mean.

I arrived home without any troubles and took the fire escape up to my apartment.

Ben was out, so I stashed the money in the drawer of my dresser in case of break ins.

I got in the shower to reduce any smells of smoke and liquor for when he did come home and he wouldn't suspect my respect losing job.

I couldn't wait for my next shift to see Brendon again. Maybe I could be his regular girl?

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