2: Lying Is The Most Fun

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My heart pounded as I took a swig of moonshine in the back while listening to the low bass of the band playing out in the main room. I had on a skimpy outfit consisting of red underwear and a red bra and stringy fishnets.

I set the bottle on the vanity and pulled on my high heeled boots. I twirled a finger through my freshly dyed platinum blonde hair. The hair felt dead. No longer soft like my brown color before.

Unlike other dancers, my hair was long. My eyes were blue, theirs consisted of brown and hazel. I guess you could say I stood out from the rest of them.

An abrupt knock on the dressing room door grabbed me from my nervous thoughts. I turned my head in the direction of the door and saw my friend who recommended me for the job, Sarah Orzechowski standing in an outfit similar to mine. She took off her mask and revealed her face.

"What are you waiting for? It's time, Lauren." She said and gestured for me to follow her. I took a deep breath and one more drink to help cool my nerves, then followed her into the hall.

"When I started two years ago, I was nervous too. It'll pass." Sarah assured me as she held my hand.

"I hope so," I said. Right before we were at the door to the main room of sin, Sarah stopped me. "Take my mask." She handed the item to me. I placed it on my face and tied it in the back.

"Alright, you're good. Good luck Lauren." She sent a reassuring smile. I smiled back. "Thank you."

Then I stepped through the curtains and instantly smelled the smoke and aromas of illegal liquor. I saw men of all kinds with a girl in their laps, laughing and drinking.

Sarah came in behind me a minute later with a new mask. Our rule here is to never show our identity to these men in case of something unfortunate.

Mostly the men were the average overweight drunks that were infidels who experiment with infidelity, exhibit A being the strip club they're in.

Then my eyes landed on someone. Someone beautiful. Beautiful enough to take my breath away.

I grabbed Sarah's arm. "Sarah, who is that?" I gestured a man standing in a tuxedo, slipping on a mask. I was gracious enough to see his face before it was hidden. He was followed by three more guys who's faces I didn't see.

"Haven't you heard? That's the town bachelor. Casanova if you will. He's Brendon Urie." She replied.

"Brendon Urie as in thee Uries? The richest family in New York?" I asked. Sarah nodded.

"He's fine, too bad he's with a new lady every night. I wouldn't mind a piece of Urie." Sarah said and caused me to chuckled. "I also heard he killed a lady. Don't know her first name, just know her by Miss Jackson."

I gently punched Sarah's arm. "No he didn't! You're lying." I yell whispered.

Brendon's eyes landed on me and he smiled. "Looks like you're the next Jackson." She chuckled and wandered off.

"Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, but don't lie to me now. Do tell me your name, beautiful?" He asked and brought my hand up to his plump lips. I guess he'd overheard my last statement.

I blushed. "I'm not sure if I should tell." I replied.

He smirked. "As you wish. Lie. Give me something to call you."

I thought for a moment. "Alice." Alive is my middle name. No harm there, right?

"Alice," he smirked again. "Care to join me in a private room with some whiskey? We could have the fun I talked about."

I chuckled. "I would, Mr. Urie."

I saw his eyes go wide through his mask. "So you know who I am?" He asked.

I nodded. "But you're secrets safe with me."


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