Chapter 9

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*Hits myself* Bad Brittany! *Hits myself again* baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Brittany!  Write write write!

Sorry bout that guys ^_^ Just trying to get myself back in line.  

I really should be writing more, shouldn't I?  

I am a really bad person for keeping my fans waiting.


Oh, and btw: I do NOT approve of swearing, and usually wouldn't place swear words into my story, but seen as how this is a Western-ish story, I will allow a few of the not so bad ones.  So I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I feel like the words I choose are 'appropriate' (bwahaha swear words aren't really ever appropriate) for the 'occasion.'




You know dah drill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finding Awenasa

Chapter 9

*Cocheta's POV*

I gulped up the sweet, cold night air as we burst out of the charred door.  I felt my knees begin to give way and in the blink of an eye my cheek was on the muddy earth.

I heard the sound of feet heading my way and looked up to see an angry man and woman heading for me, their faces red with rage.

The man gathered the cloth at the front of my dress and pulled me up with a soft grunt.  His eyes were fired with anger and he looked ready to blow steam.

"Bitch!  You burned down my inn!" He spat in my face with an enraged howl.

I felt his other fist ram into my rib cage and cringed at the sickening pop of one of my ribs breaking.  He brought his arm back to hit me again, but  someone grabbed it and twisted it behind his back.  

His shoulder popped out of place with a sickening noise that made me want to heave.

"Let her go." Joe's commanding voice rang through the chilly night air.

The man released me, his face contorted in pain.  I crumpled to the ground and really did start to heave.  I felt cold, tender hands pull my hair up and out of the way.

"It's going to be okay." Maria assured me in a small voice, as if she wsn't so sure herself what would truly be the outcome.

I stole a glance to the woman, whose anger was now cooled by her fear for the man's safety.

"Please don't hurt him!" cried the woman. "We was just trying to do justice!"

"Justice?" scoffed Joe. "Cochetta hasn't done anything wrong!"

"She's a witch!" accused an onlooker.

 "And how do you know that?" Joe questioned.  There was a short pause before someone answered.

"She's an Indian!" stated an onlooker.

"Yeah!" agreed another. "Everyone knows that the natives are savages!"

"Who knows what vile magic they preform!"

My stomach twisted and turned at what the white people thought of me and my people.  I felt a tear roll down my muddy cheek and imagined it leaving a clean trail behind it.  How could people think such things?

Then I remembered what my father had told me.

"The white people are not wise.  They will believe anything that is told to them.  Especially if the either fear it to be true, or want it to be true.  Do not fall into their gullible ways."

He'd told me that when I was eight, soon after I had started questioning after my mother.  I felt a pang of heartache at the thought of my father, and an urge of longing for my mother.

"Let us at her!" screamed a man.

"We'll tar and feather her!" suggested another.

There were shouts of agreement.

"You'll get the same if you don't get out of our way!" warned a heavy man with a robust pot-belly.

I felt Maria's lips touch my ear.

"We're going to run," she whispered. "so do you think you can?"

I managed a weak nod before staggering to my feet with the help of Maria.

I shot the crowd a menacing look and some of them shrunk back in fear, while others beat their fists in the air.

Maria made sure I was steady on my feet before leaning away and placing her hand in mine.  I gave her a squeeze of reasurrence....

And then we were off.


Run run run! As fast as you can! 


Calamity after calamity! Whew!

Don't worry, next chapter I'm gonna calm things down.  I think its time Cocheta covers some more ground on her way to find her mother.

Rate: 1-10



Tell your friends, family, cousins, aunts, and pretty much everyone you know.  I depend on my fans to share my story so that I get more readers! I love you guys!


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