The Protector

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"You don't have to do this. It doesn't have to be you."

Nate tried to reason with Nyssa, as not to make her go. He knew she had made up her mind, and that it is futile to even try to change it. But he just can't let her go after Sara. She may have convinced herself that she is prepared to do what she has to as the League says, but he knows her heart. No matter how strong she portrays herself to be, her walls go down when it comes to Sara. And if her walls are down, she is vulnerable and can be hurt. And he can't let that happen any more.

"Maybe not, but it is how it's going to be."

Nate grabbed her by the arm. And the look she shot him could have burned a hole through his head. He let go, knowing there was no stopping her. He just has to make sure to protect her in every way he could. And she can't stop him from coming with her no more than he could stop her from going after Sara.

Nyssa trailed Sara as she left her brief meeting with her father, Quentin. Sara had come around to letting someone know that she was alive and back at Starling City, but only to her father, and Oliver, who just simply found out when he caught her watching Laurel.

Nyssa cut her off by rappelling down a black scarf, that was of common use to the League. She had a dagger in hand. Her heart sighed in longing at the sight of her beloved, then her blood boiled when she noticed the presence of a hooded figure, whom she knew to be Oliver Queen. She slowly closed the gap between her and Sara, who's accepted the consequences of her actions.

Much to everyone's surprise, Nyssa once again gave in to her heart. Instead of driving the dagger through Sara's heart, she pulled her in for a kiss. Sara didn't respond at first, but gave in to the kiss as the shock receded.

"I missed you, Sara." Nyssa whispered as they broke for air. Their foreheads pressed to one another. Sara could hear the sadness in her voice.

"I thought..."

"So did I." Nyssa tried to offer a weak smile. "Can we talk? Or do you need permission from your boyfriend?"

Sara heard a trace of disgust as Nyssa referred to Oliver. She knew she has nothing but resentment towards Oliver, after she had chosen him over her back then. And she could just imagine what Nyssa was thinking seeing Oliver watching over her like that.

Oliver came out of the shadows and Nyssa turned to face him. All the love and vulnerability she showed Sara just moments ago was gone. Facing Oliver Queen, was the cold hearted assassin and scorned lover.

"I am Nyssa, daughter of Ra's al Ghul, heir to the demon."

"What are you doing here?"

"Sara swore her allegiance to the League of Assassins. I am here to take her back and make sure she fulfills her oath."

"I'm not letting her go with you."

"Can you give us a moment, Nyssa?" Reluctantly, Nyssa stepped aside.

"She won't hurt me, Ollie."

"I don't trust her."

"Then trust me."

Nyssa and Sara were finally alone to talk. Nyssa took Sara's hand and held it close to her lips, kissing it, then to her cheek. She leaned in and cherished the warmth of her touch.

"Go back with me, Sara. Come back to me."

"I love you, Nyssa, but I can't. I can't go back to that. I barely have a soul left in me. Whatever I have left, can no longer take the killings."

"You took an oath, one way or another."

"Then do what you have to do."

Sara braced herself to die, but Nyssa just let go of her and left. She may not have it in her to kill Sara, but she will find a way to get her to go back.

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