Beauty Beyond Clear Blue Skies

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Max was doing laps in the pool early in the morning at school. She was surprised when she resurfaced. She found Nyssa standing by the edge of the pool waiting for her with a towel in hand. Max took the towel and wrapped it around her sleek body.

"Hey. Thanks."

Max waited for Nyssa to say something as she went to fix her things.

"I know Sara has probably talked to you already about the group studying. I hope you take no offense on it. It's just that I don't really do that kind of thing."

Max looked at Nyssa curiously as she toweled off her hair.

"But you do it with Sara because you owe her."


"Okay. Nothing to worry about anyway. Got talking to Rebecca and she offered to teach me. She's kind of a chemistry nerd."

"Yes, she is." Nyssa smiled as she remembered the times she and Rebecca would study and Rebecca would just scoff at her chemistry works.

Nyssa was on her way out when Max called out to her again.

"Hey! Rebecca and I are hanging out this Saturday. I haven't asked Sara, but would you like to come with us?"

Nyssa thought for a moment which made Max nervous that she would refuse.

"Sure. I'll be there."

Max bit her lips together to stop the goofy grin that was forming.


"By the way, we're going out on Saturday. You, me, Becca, and Nyssa."

Sara and Max were at the cafeteria line getting their food.

"Really?" Sara was surprised at the arrangement.

"Yeah. Rebecca asked me if I...we want to hang out, and I said sure." Max shrugged her shoulders for emphasis as they looked for empty seats.

"So, she and Nyssa are going and they invited us?"

"Technically, Becca invited me. I said I'll bring you along, then Nyssa talked to me, I ended up inviting her. Already told Becca."

Before Sara could answer, she was tripped by someone, making her drop her tray and falling on the floor.

The guys at the table snickered finding it funny, obviously one of them did it.

Max offered Sara a hand to get up, but Sara didn't take it, instead she knelt down and picked up the remnants of her fallen tray.

"What the hell's your problem?" Max shouted at the guy.

"You should watch where you're going."

"You did that on purpose."

The guy got up and stood face to face with Max.

"Can you prove it?" He challenged.

"Back off, man." Nate was suddenly standing next to the guy. "They didn't do anything to you."

The guy then turned to Nate and shoved him a little. "So, you're friends with these bitches now, Nate?"

"Oh just shut up!"

Annoyed, the other guy pushed Nate hard that made him trip on one of the chairs to make him fall on his ass.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Nate tried to get up, but by the time he did, a strong arm was holding him off before he lept at the guy. He saw Alec with a stern face holding him.

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