Hurt, Loved, Confused

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Sara Lance. Who does this girl think she is? Barging in on my life like that. Turning everything around and upside down. Drowning all my senses with all she is. Everywhere I turn, she's all I see. She's all I hear. Her scent wafting through every inch and every corner of the room. I can't seem to escape her. Well, why would I want to? Her flowing blonde hair, her thousand watt smile, and her eyes. Those eyes that seem to reflect all the beauty there is in life. They're simply perfection. Her laugh, so intoxicating. Her movements, so graceful. Her heart, so gentle and kind. Why would anyone want to escape such breathtaking beauty? Beauty resonating inside and out.

You are beautiful in every way, Sara. Never think otherwise.

28. He definitely made Sara feel beautiful. Reading throughout the letter, Sara wasn't able to stop giggling. The way he wrote it, as if he was proclaiming it to everyone, it made Sara's heart swell. She wouldn't let any problem ruin this for her. She was genuinely enjoying it, when she finally tucked away all her worries about Max and Nyssa in her mind.

She went to school and found another note inside her locker, making her smile.

I don't know what to say. It was fascinating to watch you dance as always. I was surprised when I played it. You were so sweet and cute being so shy when you were filming it. Thank you, Sara. I would treasure that gift.


Sara was blushing and butterflies were flying around in her belly. She can't remember anyone that had ever made her feel like that other than Nyssa. And now, him. The intensity of the feeling is not as enormous as with Nyssa, but she'd rather have the simplicity of it now, than the glorious feeling she gets with Nyssa accompanied with same intense complications.

"Sara, can we talk?"

She closed her eyes, thinking that she just said she doesn't want the complication, yet here she comes. She turned around and smiled. She wouldn't let her faze her beautiful morning.

"Hi, Nyssa. What about?"

"Are you still upset with me?"

"No. I'm over that."

"Will you still be avoiding me?"

"I'm standing here talking to you, aren't I?"

"I miss you, Sara."

Nyssa wanted to reach for her, hold her hand at least, but she restrained herself. She doesn't want her to pull away from her completely.

Sara sighed deeply, trying to contain the growing frustration.

"Stop, Nyssa. I can't do this."

"Okay. Max is worried about you. So is Rebecca."

"You talked to Becks? What did she tell you?"

Sara knew Rebecca wouldn't tell anyone what they talked about the other day. She knew she could trust her, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

"Yeah. She told me that I need to talk to you."

"Of course. There's nothing to worry about. I'm fine. But this incessant worrying from you guys is starting to annoy me."

"I'm sorry."

"If I need to talk to you, I will. For now, just let me be."

Distancing herself from Sara has been so difficult, especially knowing that they are not in good terms. But if she kept pushing on, she might just close out and run off completely. She'll wait for her. She'll wait until she's ready.

Max arrived in the middle of the awkward silence simmering between them.

"What's the matter?"

When neither of them answered, she turned to Nyssa.

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