Chapter 14

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Let me fill you in of what has happened these last couple of weeks. I finished school... yay no more of those fucking cheerleaders or those bastard jocks and no more bullying. I've been working at the studio full time now, and me and Andy are dating again. He's been so sweet he has been giving me dozens of gifts but my favourite is the promise ring he gave me on our last date.


"Baby, you know i love you right?" he asked me while we sitting in the park having a picnic, which he made himself, unless his mum did and he just wanted to impress me by taking all the credit.

"Yeah of course." i was starting to get really nervous.

 "well..." He got down on one knee and took out a box, i gasped and covered my mouth with my hand, please say he isn't... "I'mnotproposing." those words rushed out of his mouth, i let out the breath that i didn't know i was holding in. "Were to young for that." 

I nodded and smiled.

"It's a promise ring." He opened the little red box what was in his hand and in there was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my life. "Please accept this ring, it's a token of my love for you." he smiled up at me.

"Yes." i whispered. "YES, YES, YES!!" i jumped on him and we both landed on the ground with a loud thud and we started to make out at the public park until...

"THERE'S CHILDREN ABOUT!!" we both looked up to see Ashley with a smirk on his face and rolling his eyes.


'Best day ever' i thought and continued to get ready to go and see Andy. Also i'm meeting Sammy today she's in one of those happy moods because Ashley asked her to be his girlfriend the same day me and Andy got together, so yeah that's getting quite serious as well, i hope they last, Sammy hasn't had a boyfriend since this guy called Kyle who raped her when he was drunk. Poor thing.

I walked downstairs and looked at myself in the mirror trying to fix my hair, when i was satisfied i opened the door and closed it behind me, beginning my journey to Andy's house.

5 minutes later i got to Andy's house only to see his parents car, where the hell has he gone? I walked up to the door and rang the door bell, a few seconds later his mother opened the door with a smile. "Hello dear may i help you?" She asked me.

"Yes Mrs Biersack could you please tell me where Andy is?" i asked her with a bright smile. She looked at me sympathetically and gestured for me to come inside. I walked in and she led me to the living room.

"Tea?" she asked, i nodded. She got her teapot and started to pour in some to into a cup. "There you go sweetheart." she sat down and drank some of her own tea while i did the same. I put the cup on the glass coffee table and sat back into my seat. 

"So do you know where he is?" I asked her a second time. She smiled at me sadly and looked down, but when she looked back up she had tears in her eyes.

"Olivia, when the new album was released it hit the roof, everyone was buying it or downloading it and he got a phone call yesterday saying that someone wanted to manage them"

I didn't know it was you! (Andy sixx story) :FINISHED:Where stories live. Discover now