Chapter 4

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Olivia's P.O.V

I locked my door and turned around "Shit." i put a hand to my heart and breathed in and out. "You know how to sneak up on someone, maybe next time give a girl some warning." 

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to startle you." said Reece.

When my heart rate was beginning to go back to normal i replied "It's fine, what you doing here anyway? I thought you would be at school by now." 

"I came to give you a lift, that a problem?" he smirked and leaned on his car with his arms crossed. I couldn't help but look at how tight his shirt was today, you could almost see his six pack. "Olivia?" 

"I'm sorry what?" 

"You coming?" he asked.

I sighed there is no point in arguing so i said "ok."

Reece opened the door for me and i slid in, he ran to the drivers side and got in. "Seatbelt on?" he asked me, i just nodded. He put a CD in and black veil brides 'saviour' came on. 

"I love this song so much." I told him and head banged to the beat and started singing.

"Yeah me too." he smiled at me and started started singing as well.

When he started singing it sounded just like Andy Sixx, i must have stopped singing in shock because he turned towards me. "What?"

"Why do you sound just like Andy Sixx?" i asked him having my full body turned towards him while he parked in a car space at school.

"Coincidence?" he said unsure.

"Are you like brothers with Andy Sixx because you sound the same as him, you look the same as him, your the same age as him."

"No, i'm not brothers to Andy... I wish i was though." he said too quickly. I nodded slowly and got out of the car and started walking up to the school, i know it was rude of me to not say thanks or say goodbye but i was too deep in thought.

"REECE." screeched a wannabee barbie. I looked over and saw Scout running to An- i mean Reece, shit i'm even calling him Andy now. I walked into the school and walked up to my locker to find sticky notes all over it, i just rolled my eyes and opened it to have black paint squirt out all over me, everyone started laughing, and somebody shouted "AT LEAST IT MATCHES YOUR HAIR AND OUTFIT." i looked over at Scout and she laughed even more but what made me start to cry was Reece laughing with her and pointing at me... judging me like the rest of them.

Billy came up to me and said "Awww is the poor baby crying." All the laughing got louder and louder some people were on the floor and some had tears in there eyes from laughing to much. But all i did is held my head high and started walking out of the school and walked down the road because i had no car.

When i got back to my house i ran straight upstairs and into the bathroom so i could take a shower. I got in and started scrubbing my body till all the paint had gone, then before i knew it i started to cry, not because of what happened today because i miss my parents so much, i hate not getting 'good morning' when i go downstairs, i hate not getting 'how was school?' when i come home, i hate when i don't get any hugs or kisses and i hate feeling so alone.

After about an hour in the shower just thinking, i decided i should get out, my fingers look like raisins, I got out and got dresses and i went downstairs to get a tub of icecream, i looked in the freezer to find ben and jerry's cookie dough, my favourite. I got it out and shut the freezer door and i went into the living to put in one of my favourite movies of all time 'John Tucker Must Die' I was about to sit down and dig into my icecream when the door bell rang, i sighed and got up and walked to the door and swung it open to come face to face with Reece. I was about to slam it closed, but he put his foot inbetween the door, I opened it again and rudley said "What? And how do you know where i live?"

"I came to apologise and i followed you."

I looked at him impatiently.

"I'm sorry about what happened at school, i laughed at you because i'm trying to fit in, i used to bullied really badly at my old school, thats why i moved here. Please, please forgive me." he explained.

"Reece, you know what it feels like to be bullied so what gives you the RIGHT TO BULLY SOMEBODY ELSE". i tried so hard to keep calm but he gets me so mad.

"I know it doesn't give me the right, but i just want to fit in... I'm sorry." he whipsered and he looked down.

"Sometimes sorry doesn't help." i told him and shut the door in his face before he could say anything else.

I slid down the door, brought my legs to my chest and cried softly, curled up in a ball, nobdoy to comfort me. Why am i so alone?


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