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Harry’s P.O.V:

I should tell her everything and make her hate him to death, but I was involved in it. I was sure he was doing these psychotic things to take revenge on me.

I didn’t blame him for being…bitter towards me, if I was him I would have killed me, but he was pathetic. I closed my eyes and sighed; flashes from that night started running through my mind.

Music was way too loud, there were way too many people surrounding me and I was way too drunk, but eh, it was my 19th birthday, I could legally drink and that was what I was doing. I met this chick today, what was her name? Tyler? Nah man, Taylor, yeah, her name was Taylor, and fuck if she wasn’t hot as hell. I was too drunk to remember her face but I did remember that she was hot. Yup.

So I stepped out the club and I almost fell to the dirty ground, phew, that was close. I laughed to myself. Where the hell were my keys? Oh yeah, they were in the back pocket, silly me. I got them out and I failed at my attempts of start it at least four times.

“Bloody thing…” I hissed.

It finally decided to start. I didn’t know where to go, I just had the biggest fight with my stupid parents, and it wasn’t late at all.

I felt the side effects of the alcohol take over me, my view was blurred and I wasn’t conscious of my actions. That’s when it happened, I don’t really have many memories of it, but it sure as hell happened.

I woke up the next day at a hospital. I was alone, confused and feeling sick. I tried to move but my ribs hurt and I had the biggest head ache ever. I groaned in pain.

Someone opened the door, it was my mom.

“Harry!” She screamed when she saw that I was awake.

She run up to me and hugged me too tight.

“Mom!” I screamed in pain.

“Sorry son.” She paused and looked into my eyes, something wasn’t right; I saw it in her eyes.

“What happens?” I asked as I gently dropped my head on the pillow.

“You don’t remember it, do you?”

I shook my head.

“You had an accident, Harry, a car accident.” She whispered.

She looked over her shoulder and saw that the door was opened, she stepped forward to the door, made sure nobody was on the corridor and closed it.

“Two people died.” She informed me.

Which means that I killed two people…

“Harry, your dad and I are trying our best to cover it, we don’t want our…your image to be damaged…” My jaw dropped.

“Who were in that car?” I half asked half demanded.

She didn’t answer.

“Mom, who the fuck were in that car?” I insisted.

“The Tomlinsons, but just the parents, their son was here a few hours ago but he’s left.”

She had to be fucking kidding me. My head was spinning and my stomach was hurting.

“Don’t worry honey, nothing will happen to you.” She said patting my head.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” I exclaimed. “You and dad are plain pathetic, you can’t cover this, not this time. You just want your clean-cut image not to be damaged, but not this time mom, not this fucking time.”

“Watch your mouth young man! We just want the best for you!” She yelled and I sarcastically laughed at her comment.

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