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Louis’ P.O.V:

I walked her to my car and opened the door for her. She was looking absolutely marvelous.

As I drove to the restaurant I started thinking about last night. That storm made the plan move one step forward, of course I knew she was afraid of storms, Nina gave me detailed documents about Taylor’s life; I knew she’d come running to me the minute the storm started raging on. I also knew she has the habit of biting the end of the sleeves.

I was wide awake when she curled herself on top of my body, and I was wide awake when she ran out of the bedroom completely ashamed.

I looked at her many times as I drove and she always smiled at me shyly. The plan was turning out great; I could tell she was shy around me.

Ed told me the other day that Harry had recently got a job at that restaurant as a waiter, and there was no chance Taylor could know that, so that’s why we were going there, hopefully Harry will be mad as hell when he sees us together and he will start yelling at us; that’d scare Taylor and make her fall into my arms right in front of his disgusting face and would make his boss fire him, awesome.

I put my hand on her leg, bolt move I know, but she didn’t reject me.

We arrived and she hooked her arm through mine again and she flushed when I looked down at her, I looked around trying to find Harry.

He was dressed in a ridiculous red suit that his boss probably thought was elegant. He noticed me and frowned then noticed that Taylor had her arm hooked through mine and he was furious, I saw it in his eyes, I smiled at him and he flipped me off, wasn’t Harry such a gentleman?

Harry’s P.O.V:

What the hell did I just see? Fucking Louis Tomlinson had my girl’s arm hooked through his and he dared to smile at me?

He came here in purpose, I know it. I guess he wants me to break his nose again.

I approached them quickly, Taylor was distracted by something and didn’t see me, but I made sure she’d listen to me.

“You have to be fucking kidding me right now, Taylor.” I said in an angry whisper, the last thing I needed was to be fired.

She turned around and I could see the surprise in her beautiful eyes.

“Harry…” She whispered and I saw fucking Louis Tomlinson wrap his arm around her waist.

“Why are you with him again?” I tried to keep my cool...

“He’s my friend; I’m living at his place until I find somewhere to live.” She answered and my jaw dropped.

“Oh, he’s your friend…” My head was about to blow. “You know, a few minutes ago I was thinking of you, but now you’ve showed me that you’re not worth my time, bitch.”

I was broken, of course she would fall for him, he was just as ridiculous as she was, plus he was rich and she was a spoiled stupid girl, so they were perfect for each other. I felt my heart sink.

I saw Louis smirking from the corner of my eye; he noticed that I just got hurt.

“Do your job and leave us alone, please.” He said; my blood was boiling.

“Shut the fuck up. I will make sure your food is poisoned.” I spit, he was getting on my nerves.

“Harry!” I know she was mad, but she didn’t get her arm out of his.

“I hope you are happy with him, he’s such an egocentric bastard, just like you” I said and she widened her eyes.

“Louis, can we look for another restaurant? I don’t want to stay here…” She whispered tightening the grip she had on his arm.

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