Chapter 8: An argument and unexpected visitors

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A/N: This chapter is longer and im not updating during the week since i did today. I hope you enjoy this chapter alright thank you for reading(:

There was a knock at the door I groaned and checked my phone which was by my pillow the time said 6:55 ugh who comes to someone's house this early my mom was gone so I knew I had to answer the door. Peyton was awoken by the knock I whispered "if I'm not back in 1 minute come downstairs and make sure I'm alive" I got up and grabbed the pair of jeans off the side of my bed and removed my pj shorts to put the jeans on the knocking continued what the hell is wrong with this person I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs.

I opened it to find Justin facing the road. I was shocked surprised even the way we left things I was sure he would be sleeping in his bed and in LA right now but here he was now facing me. We looked at each other for a bit until he said "Ellie...." I said "uh yeah" I heard Peyton make her way down the stairs. She said "you're fucking kidding me" he said "nice to see you too" she said "no you probably thought let me fly back to Stratford tell Ellie I'm sorry and hope she forgets I have been ditching her for Selena who I had to pretend I had feelings for and then I actually did develop feelings for."

Justin interrupted Peyton oh this isn't going to end well he said "this isn't your business" she said "oh I wasn't done" she then continued "but just because I'm Justin Bieber and this has to do with my work if Ellie hangs out with any other guys I get to get pissed off and complain about it" he just stood there and took it all in. He raised his head and looked like he was going to say something but decided against it.

Peyton continued and said "I don't get it Ellie puts up with your shit. She can do better honestly and you just up and rudely told her you had feelings for someone else while here she is waiting for you to keep your plans with her when honestly she shouldn't waste her time on you. If it was you in her place you would be done by now and you know it" I looked at him he looked hurt but honestly she is saying everything I couldn't and that's well Peyton for you.

She was so pissed off she went back upstairs but before she did she said "and thanks for knocking on the door at 7 in the morning asshole" and walked upstairs. I was tired of standing by the door so we walked outside and sat on the porch he said "I'm sorry all what Peyton said was true she is right you deserve someone who can give you the attention you deserve I'm sorry I developed feelings for her it wasn't supposed to be like that..." I stopped him and said "stop I'm tired of it okay you have feelings for Selena and I would be lying if I told you Austin was nothing more than a friend I developed feelings for him because he is sweet and he was there for me when you couldn't be and I like him."

He looked pissed off for a minute but then he said "that's fair" I nodded and he continued "uh so it's still pretty early do you want to meet up later for some frozen yogurt or something?" I said "uh sure later definitely" he hesitated before asking "so are we you know okay?" I said "I think so but I want you to know that I will seriously be done with everything if this continues" he nodded and gave me a quick hug before leaving. I went upstairs to find Peyton sleeping again and I decided I should also sleep so I did I woke up around 12 and got dressed. Justin had texted me while I had been sleeping the text said "I will pick you up at around 2 for yogurt and dinner".

Peyton asked "you're back with him" it was more of a statement than a question. I nodded she said "you know that's the crazy thing about love no matter how much the one you love hurts you. You always seem to go back to them because you're in love" she was right I did go back to him. Peyton continued "but remember you can do better and if he continues to put her and her plans before yours and his plans then leave but tell me so I can fly to LA and kick his ass" we laughed.

I said "he is picking me up at 2 to get yogurt and dinner you can stay here and when I come back I will tell you what happened" she said "okay I will be here" Justin arrived at 2 like he said he was wearing a varsity jacket and jeans with raybans it was a bit of awkwardness when Justin saw Peyton but it was actually pretty funny because neither one of them talked to each other. Justin parked outside I was pretty sure I saw Luke outside. We walked into the yogurt place and Justin grabbed my hand. We were in line waiting when he whispered in my ear "I truly am sorry I love you" he kissed me and then kissed my cheek.

It was our turn we ordered and went back to the car we drove to a park and parked and sat there and talked. We went to dinner and he held my hand and kissed me a lot throughout the date. I got back to my house and I found Peyton and my brother sitting on the couch I was pretty confused he wasn't supposed to be visiting and the fact that they both looked at me awkwardly. Colin came up and hugged me.

I asked "what are you doing uh here?" he said "I thought I would visit since mom is in California for a convention for the next week but I arrived and found Peyton here so I hung out with her" Hung Out the way he said that was weird I didn't question it though. We all hung out and watched movies my brother was pretty cool to hang out with I guess. I hope Peyton didn't tell my brother what happened between me and Justin.

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