Chapter 2: Self-conscious, the situation ,and your Justin

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He started driving me home he grabbed my hand I asked "where are you going after you take me home?" he said "home" I asked " mom isn't home she went out of town for business so you can stay if you want" he looked at me questioningly and said "what do you have in mind" he winked.

I slightly pushed him he yelled "hey I'm driving here" and I said "no perv not this time you already got some remember" he said "of course I remember how could I forget even though it's been a while" he smirked. I said "anyways you can stay over" he said "you need me to stay so you aren't afraid to stay in the house right?" I replied "no I actually enjoy your company sometimes."

He said "you love me" I said "eh sometimes" he chuckled and stopped at the stop light and said "but I'm in love with you" he kissed me quickly and continued driving. We arrived to my house he opened the car door for me and said "my lady" I laughed and said "okay sir lets go inside I feel weird being out so late at night" we walked inside my house and I went up to my room he was following me upstairs.

I walked into the bathroom and took off my makeup but kept my hair the way I had it for prom. I walked into my room to find Justin changed into just his boxers and a white shirt. I said "I'm not changed so I'm going to change but turn around" I went took off my dress and opened my closet and looked inside my drawers and found one of Justin's shirts that he left and I put it on I turned around to find Justin staring at me.

I said "what Justin?" he said "you are gorgeous" I said "yeah okay" he said "you are I don't understand why you don't think you are" I said "can we not have this conversation right now" he replied "why not? We have to eventually because I want to know why you think that you aren't" I sighed and I knew he wasn't going to stop until I told him.

I said "fine whatever. I don't because youre Justin popstar who performs in front of thousands of girls most who are gorgeous and I'm sure you look at them like any guy would...maybe I'm just self-conscious" he said "I'm Justin the boy who you grew up with...the one you fell in love with" I said "but you're also Justin Bieber the singer" he said "well you don't have to worry because I'm still your Justin."

I nodded and said "can we do something and quit talking about my issues" he says "what do you have in mind" he winked and I said "I don't know what I have in mind but I know what you do" he laughed and said "let me show you how much I love you" those words were the same ones he used the first time we did it. When we had finished we cuddled.

I said "Justin, can I ask you a question?" he said "uhm" I said "so what are we going to do about the Selena and your situation" he said "I have to be seen out and around with her with PDA involved but our relationship won't change" he was sure about that but I wasn't our relationship will suffer and I knew it. I asked "so when do you have to go back to LA?"

He said "when does your mom get back?" he changed the subject which meant soon. I replied "Sunday afternoon. When are you leaving?" he said "so she will be home tomorrow. I have to leave tomorrow morning" I nodded whenever he comes it for a couple of days then he goes back to LA.

I said "oh. So you're not going to be here for my birthday?" he mumbled "no..." of course not. I didn't say anything I knew he felt bad that he wasn't going to be here for my birthday this upcoming Friday. I soon fell asleep. I woke up to Justin's alarm going off.

He shut it off and went and got dressed in his clothes from yesterday. I asked "do you want me to go to the airport with you?" he said "of course but I have to stop by the house to change" I went and put on a pair of jean shorts and a sweatshirt and we drove in my car just a bit down the road he went and changed and came back out with just a carry on.

He said "I'm taking the private jet" we got to the airport after a bit of driving and walked inside. He said "I will visit soon or you can come visit and I'm sorry about the whole Selena thing" I said "it's okay I guess" he said "but just remember if you see us on magazines or something remember I'm your Justin" I nodded. We hugged. That's all we could do.

And went our separate ways. I got in my car I was already missing him I decided music would help I turned on the radio and of course it was Justin on. I drove home my mom would be home soon she came home and said "how was prom?" I said "it was good."

Then I told her everything about the whole Justin and Selena and she said "that's ridiculous that his management can do that" I said "I know" she said "so you two did it again didn't you" I said "mom, seriously not now okay" my mom was more of a friend but when she had to be strict she was.

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