Chapter 5: The call, the invite, and the future of us?

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A/N: Sorry i havent updated in forever but i lacked inspiration and i was busy and now i started school so im even more busy and homework and stuff oh and i read After and ahh best fanfic so far you guys know the deal with school anyways i hope to start updating hopefully every weekend and the story will be over soon since its a short story. If you want to follow my twitter its @itshoranshood you can ask questions about the story and stuff and maybe i will give you guys hints about upcoming chapters. Thank you for reading this story(:

Justin and Selena flew back yesterday (Wednesday). I decided to call Justin I dialed his number he picked up on the second ring. I asked "Justin are you flying out tomorrow?" he was silent. I contemplating whether or not I should continue I decided to continue and I said "Justin the music festival is Saturday" he said "I'm sorry I'm busy" I said "busy? I thought we cleared your schedule"

He said "it not my plans I have to attend an event with Selena. I'm sorry Ellie I really am don't be upset" I said "its fine I will just ask Austin to go it's no problem" he asked "Austin?" I said "yeah Austin I'm not going by myself it was supposed to be Peyton, You and I all driving together and we were going to meet up with other people but I will ask Austin to go since you can't go."

I was upset but I can't let him know. He said "I will fly out next week or weekend to spend time with you" I said "okay I have to go see you then". We got off the phone. Ugh we still never said what we are we can't be publically together...are we even together? Are we just friends? We don't even say I love you on the phone anymore. I don't even know what we are. Everything between us is just complicated.

I called Austin he picked up and I said "Austinnnnn" he said "Ellllieee" I said "I need a favor you don't have to but I would love you even more if you did" he said "okay what is it?" I said "so you know the festival this weekend in Toronto that I'm going to well do you want to go with me?" he said "of course but I thought someone was already going with you?" I said "yeah but not anymore and the first person I thought to take was you so?"

He said "yes Ellie I will go with you" I said "wear something cute" he chuckled and said "when don't I?" I said "you never do" he said "you better wear something pretty" I said "yeah I know but I have to go thank you so much bye". I got off the phone with Austin and called Peyton. She answered and said "Yes Ellie" I said "Justin can't go anymore" she asked "why not?"

I replied "he has plans we cleared his schedule so he could go but Selena has an event for them to go to so he can't go so I asked Austin and he can go so it's going to be Austin, you, I and probably Luke I will ask Luke if we can just ride with him down to the festival" she said "you have to breathe."

I said "I know. It's just how am I supposed to react I don't even know what me and him are anymore" she said "I know it's hard but the festival will be great and he will visit soon and when he does tell him you guys need to talk about what you are" I nodded and realized she can't see me so I said "okay he said he might fly out next week or weekend but who knows"

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