Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Juri pov.

My young daughter was dragging me out of the family room. My beautiful little girl. I love her very much but am sad to trap her down in this basement. Rido would take her from us and she would be used by the high council. I couldn't let that happen. We had no choice to hide her from the world. How I hate the life I have given her. She's never seen the outside world. She doesn't know its beauty, Haruka, Kaname, and I are her entire world. My daughter led me down the hall and laughed in spite of the game. She smiled "let's hide behind the drapes mama"

I smiled as she opened the curtains. We entered the drapes and stood still. I held her close before hearing Kaname yelling "ready or not here I come." I looked down to see my child muffle her giggles. I heard Kaname walk into the room. He would walk around aimlessly in looking in the wrong places so he wouldn't find her too quickly. She was about to burst when Kaname flung open the draped and grabbed the laughing girl. The game was over.

Haruka pov.

I opened the basement door and began the journey down. The door was hidden behind a book case. I walked and opened the entrance to the world of my daughter. My child, my little princess. I opened the door do be greeted by fits of giggles. I smiled as my daughter ran into me while running from my beloved wife. By the looks of it they were playing tag. She looked up and greeted me with the usual smile. I scooped her up and ran. All she did was screaming with delight. Playing these games was one way to keep her happy. It's hard watching your beloved child grow up in a basement. I held Yuki and ran away with her. She looked up at me as I came to a halt. We ended up in the hallway. I looked around, Kaname on one end and Juri on the other. Yuki and I were trapped. Yuki looked around and figured out our predicament. She laughed and threw her arms around my neck and began to say, "Ah, Mama, Onii-sama save me" she said this over a few times in a sig song voice. It ended with Kaname and Juri claiming their prized, Yuki.

Kaname pov.

Mother and I had just claimed our prize when Yuki asked where father been. He looked at her with a look of sadness, a look that we all have often given her. We knew all she wanted to know was if he had been on the outside and what it was like. We tried to ovoid that topic as much as possible. It was so unfair to Yuki trap in this basement. Not even a window was present. It however helped our conscience when Yuki insisted she was fine with being down here and that she had everything she needed. Us, her family. She's too kind if I were her I would hate us right now. She’s too warm and kind to think such thoughts though.

It was about three or four hours after sun down and mother and father had business to attend to with the council. I was to spend the entire day with Yuki. I couldn't wait. I hated sharing my precious girl with anyone; she was born for me and me alone. Mother took Yuki and Father to the family room. I followed. They were informing her of the soon to be absence. Yuki hated it when we had to leave but she accepted with her usual smile. "Its ok mama I'll still have onii-sama" she hopped down from mother and threw herself for the hundredth time today. I smiled. I was filled with pride with the information of how much she adored me. Our parents looked at each other and nodded. They said there good byes and left. "Onii-sama do you wanna play with Yuki?" she looked up at me as I held her in my arms. I smiled down at her "I always want to play with my Yuki" "Why?"

Why? Why? What a question to ask. She was my everything, my reason I live and breathe. "Because Yuki I love you very much. I love you more than the world its self." I kissed her cheek and held her close. She continued to look up at me then she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the couch. She left me there and came back with her favourite book. She hopped on my lap and opened the pages that seemed to enchant this child so. I began to read.

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