We Might Not Be Pregnant

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I could hear my hear hammering against my chest. I took a deep long breath and locked my gaze on his face and started counting In my head 1, 2, 3..

At 11th second, he finally started to say something.

“Ashley, I am insulted u had to ask” he said, he smiled, whipped away the tears I didn’t knew were there, and hugged me.

That was one of those moments, the one like In the movies

where the hero says everything’s gonna be alright and then It suddenly is.

“I love you” Brandon said a few second later

I had fallen In love with him long before this Incident but I never said It out loud, I didn’t wanted to be the first one, I was pretty sure we felt the same way about each other but I was afraid what If he didn’t. All my fears felt really stupid now, I got prepared for the worst thing possible last night. Those three words erased all my fears.

 “I love you more.”I smiled

" You are my life now,” he simply replied .And there was nothing else to saw for the moment.

  I woke up late in the afternoon __to exhausted from the stress last night I slept what seems like almost 5 hours. It was 2 in the afternoon and Brandon was sleeping next to me. He looked tired and exhausted, maybe from the flight. I got up and sat on the bed with my back pressed against the pillow and locked at his face; even sleeping he locked more like a Greek god. He moved restlessly and suddenly opened his eyes and locked at me, shocked

He yawned heavily “what were you doing?”

“ I was gazing,” I confessed

“Its creepy” he copied Stefan from TVD.

“Its romantic,” I chuckled

I got up and went to kitchen to get something to eat , as usual the kitchen was empty so Instead I grabbed the juice and chips from the grocery store and went back to the room. He was sitting on the bed, flipping channels.

I handed him the glass of juice and sat beside him.

“ So, umm, Brandon, how do we P-r-o-c-e-d-e?”

He switched off the T.V and turned towards me. He was looking at me like he could see through me. Finally he said,

“Listen, Ash I’ll be there no matter what, so anything you choose I’ll be okay with that, alright? So tell me what you think is the best?”

"I think (sigh) m gonna have this baby and then we can give It to adoption agency , because look ,  I am seventeen and we can’t even look after ourselves let alone afford what’s best for this baby . There are families out there, who deserve this. Who’ll know what to do and they can take better care of this baby. This child deserves everything this world has to offer and we can’t give It to him”

“So, adoption then, yeah, this way you can peruse your dream and college and everything. These nine months will be tough but everything will be back to normal after that, rights?”

“ Yeah, but what about my parents, I mean they were never there for me and there hardly home and what will be my condition. If they’d know, they’ll get me an apportion the first chance they get, I can’t tell them.”

“Move In with me” he blurred out excited now.

That took me off guard, I was confused and shocked and excited and still shocked.

“Or not, If you don’t want to,” He amended.

“No, it’s not that, but how do you think that’ll work?”

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