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Lily and I have been dating for a month. No one but our friends know, we don't want everyone to know yet. Tomorrow, though, she wants me to ask her to the upcoming Hogsmeade trip, in front of everyone. I have to up my game since I missed out on the last one. We're cuddling in the common room we shared. Lily is peaceful reading a book and I am playing with her hair. "Lily Bug?" I ask her, she looks up from her book. "How do you want me to ask you out tomorrow?"

She places her book on the coffee table. "James, I don't care. We already know I'm gonna say yes. Unless it's stupid. If it's stupid, I don't care how adorable you are, I will say no." I laugh and someone knocks on the painting. Lily and I jump apart, I stand up and she scoots over to the other end of the couch. I open the portrait hole and see Elizabeth there.

"Hey James. Can I speak with Lily?" She asks I can't help but notice there are tears in her eyes.

"Yea, of course. She's right over here reading." I lead her over to Lily, who looks surprised to see Elizabeth. She masks it when she sees Elizabeth's tears, though. "I'm gonna go grab the cookies and make some hot cocoa while you two talk. I bring them out and then I'll go study in my room." Elizabeth shakes her head.

"We'll come with you then. I want you to hear this anyway." I nod and rush to get the cookies and cocoa. Once we're all settled with cookies and cocoa, Elizabeth begins her tragic tale.

"Well, you both know my best friend and boyfriend right?" Lily and I nod.

"Grace and Thomas right? The Ravenclaw prefects?" Lily asks quietly.

Elizabeth nods, "Yes. We've all known each other forever. Tommy and I started dating in Third Year. Grace has always seemed so encouraging of us dating. We've been great, until recently. Tommy and Grace have started hanging out more, leaving me alone. They're always whispering about something and going places together. Last Hogsmeade trip I went alone because Tommy went with Grace. Oh, Lily! I'm so afraid he's done with me! Why else would he start hanging out with her loads more than me the day after I finally told him I loved him? He's been saying it to me since Fourth Year, I finally said it back and then this happens!" Tears are streaming down Elizabeth's face. I feel awful for her.

"Elizabeth, listen. Thomas adores you. We can see it ourselves. Maybe he's planning a surprise for you." Lily says gently, Elizabeth gives her a watery smile.

"Exactly. You are an amazing and wonderful girl, Elizabeth. If Thomas decides to break up with you for Grace, he's losing one special girl. Trust me, if I weren't dating and completely adoring Lily, then I'd date you." I say she laughs and Lily frowns at me. "Sorry Lils," I say and I give her a kiss. I swear Elizabeth's eyes popped out of her head.

"I... Her... You... Kissed.... Adoring... Dating...?" She stutters, I glance sheepishly at Lily who is trying not to giggle.

"Yes, Elizabeth. James and I are dating. He did just kiss me. We started dating about a month ago. And we'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone yet." She nods still in a stupor.

"Lilybug, it's been 32 days, 6 hours, 22 minutes, and 34 seconds," I say and she smirks at me. "What? You think I'm not gonna keep track of how long I've been dating the girl of my dreams? Well, you're so wrong!" She rolls her eyes and gives me a kiss.

"Well, I better go. It's almost curfew. See you both tomorrow. Thanks for listening. And I won't tell anyone." Elizabeth says she walks out and we go to sleep right there on the couch.

The next morning in the Great Hall

Lily, Elizabeth, and I are the only seventh years at the Gryffindor table. I wink at Lily who frowns. I stand up on the bench. "Well let's see! It's another Hogsmeade trip everyone! Is everyone excited?" Everyone cheers but the first years look confused. They don't know the tradition.

"You forgot last trip, Potter!" Someone yells, I grin.

"Thank you for noticing, random Hogwarts student. I couldn't last time because Miss Evans here had stuff to do. And I had Quidditch tryouts! I am sorry to disappoint you, though. Now first years who are probably confused, I ask Miss Lily Evans out every Hogsmeade trip. And every time she says no. I'm hoping for a different answer this time, though." I say winking at Lily who blushes. Everyone laughs and I turn to Lily. "Lily, I am absolutely captivated by you every time I see you. You are the reason Hogsmeade is fun. I know you see James Potter asking yet again but look again. I want you to see just James begging you to go to Hogsmeade with him. So... Lily I-don't-know-your-middle-name Evans, will you be my girlfriend and go to Hogsmeade with me?" I see Elizabeth laughing since she already knows we're dating. Everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the expected no, but they are surprised.

Lily stand up on the bench and looks me in the eye. "Yes." Everyone cheers loudly, coins are exchanged but I don't care. I am publicly dating Lily Evans. "Also James, my middle name is Marie." She says quietly while blushing.

"How fitting, Lily Marie Evans. And maybe someday Lily Marie Evans Potter." She turns a deep shade of red and kisses me, the Great Hall explodes with cheers. We smile and break apart and sit back down. Elizabeth grins at us then frowned because Thomas is nearing us.

When he stops at us, he smiles and congratulates me and Lily. Then he shushes the hall, "Elizabeth Brooks, I have loved you since the first day I met you. I only began telling you in Fourth Year, but I've loved you since that day we met in primary school. You punched a guy because he called you cute." Everyone laughs at this and Elizabeth blushes. "I knew immediately I wanted to know you because anyone who dared to punch Carl Jamerson was definitely someone worth knowing. Alas, you didn't want to speak to me. You and Grace continued to scare the wits out of every guy in our class. Finally, I got you to see me as a friend, not an enemy, it took you another eleven years to think of me more than a friend. In Fourth Year, I finally confessed that I loved you. It took you another three years to tell me the same. The day after I neglected you. The next Hogsmeade trip, I went with Grace. I haven't properly spoken to you since that day, until today. I spent time with Grace because she was helping me. She was helping me with this." Thomas knelt down and pulled a box out of his pocket. He opened it and revealed a beautiful ring, glimmering in the light. Elizabeth gasped and tears formed in her eyes.

Thomas smiled at her reaction, "Elizabeth Jane Brooks, my heart beats every day because of you. My face is smiling every day because of you. And as someone beautiful and wise once told me, you are my sun at dawn and my moon at night. It's been a fourteen-year-long ride but it's been worth it. Will you do me the honor of becoming, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Brooks Adrien and my wife?" He asks, we all look at Elizabeth who's face is covered in tears.

"Yes." She breathes, Thomas lets out the breath he was holding. "Yes. Yes. YesYesYesYesYes!" She yells throwing herself at him. He catches her and she kisses him. They break apart and he places the ring on her finger. He kisses her again.

"She said YES!" He yells and the entire Great Hall cheers loudly.

Elizabeth comes over to me and Lily. "Thank you two so much for your help last night." She said hugging us Lily smiled at her.

"Elizabeth, you will be a gorgeous bride. Can we see the ring?" She nods happily and holds up her hand. There on her left hand is a gold engagement ring. The center stone is opal and there are five diamonds on either side. "Oh, Elizabeth it's beautiful!" Lily gushes, then they start talking about weddings. They talk until Grace creeps up behind them and taps Elizabeth on the shoulder. Elizabeth turns around and her eyes widen. She throws her arms around her best friend, they both start talking at once. Lily and I walk over to Thomas who is standing there happily.

"Hey, Thomas congrats," I tell him shaking his hand.

Lily gives him a hug, "Treat her well, she's a dear."

"I will and thanks. Congrats to you two as well." He says pointing towards our intertwined hands.

Lily and I laugh, "We've already been dating for a month. Elizabeth found out last night and it was kinda funny." Lily says Thomas laughs while we recount the story. Lily walks off to talk to Grace and Elizabeth.

Thomas turns to me, "Lily is a wonderful person, so are you. I'm glad you two are happy."

"Same here man, same here. But hey! You're engaged to ElizabethBrooks! And I'm officially, publicly dating Lily Evans!"

He laughs, "All in a day's work man, all in a day's work."

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