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We get off the train searching for our friends in the throng of people. I'm still carrying Lily on my back. She's resting her cheek on the top of my head. Her warmth is radiating off of her, keeping me warm. I walk us over to the carriages where our friends are waiting for us. They smile when they see Lily on my back. I begin to set her down but she holds on tighter. I laugh and roll my eyes at my friends. They know I'm not really mad. I love Lily too much to ever be mad at her for this. Alice, Frank, Marlene, and Sirius get in one carriage. Remus, Peter, Grace, and someone else all get into another. Lily and I join Elizabeth and her boyfriend, Thomas.

"Hey, guys! Are you excited to be prefects this year?" Lily asks them, they smile and nod.

"Especially if I get to spend more time with the most amazing girl in the world," Thomas says, Elizabeth blushes. The two begin to get sucked into their own couple world full of love, so Lily and I awkwardly start our own conversation.

"Lily, what are you most excited about being Head Girl?" I ask, her face lights up and her emerald eyes begin to shimmer even more.

"Well, all the responsibilities and privileges. I also love that the Heads have their own common room. No one can bother my studying. What about you James?" The red-head asks I think a moment.

"Well, basically the same things. I'm super excited about the common room because it'll be more private and people won't bother me when I'm doing something important. I'll miss the guys, though." She smiles knowingly, I know she'll miss her friends, but my friends need me for Remus' problem. I can't tell Lily, though, no matter how much I want to. When we reach Hogwarts we say a hasty goodbye to Elizabeth and Thomas. I allow Lily back onto my back when she begins to complain about walking again.

After the feast, that is delicious as usual, Lily and I trudge down to Dumbledore's office. Or I do, Lily makes me carry her again. "Lily?" I ask, she makes a noise that sounds like she listening. "Not that I'm complaining, but why am I carrying you again?" She laughs her perfect, clear laugh that sounds like the tinkling of bells. 

"Because James, you're a good mode of transportation. Also, my legs feel like jelly." I chuckle and set her down. We walk into the office where Dumbledore and McGonagall are waiting.

"Hello Lily, James. We are gonna show you your dorms. Do you have a password?" Dumbledore asks Lily nods.

"It's Quidditch," I smile at Lily's answer as Dumbledore nods. They take us out of the office and bring us to a painting with Sirius' grandfather on it. Dumbledore gestures for us to say the password. "Quidditch," Lily says quickly, Phineas nods and the painting swings open granting us entrance. We walk in and my mind explodes. The room is much bigger than I imagined it being. It's like a larger version of the Gryffindor common room. "Wow!" Lily exclaims, I nod in agreement.

"Exactly, wow!" I say, we step further in and I notice three doors. One is labeled, 'Lily Evans' another, 'James Potter'. The last one is labelled, 'Kitchen' "Woah! We have a kitchen Lily!" She laughs at my extreme enthusiasm. We turn around to thank McGonagall and Dumbledore but the painting is closed. "Well, Lily. I should go to bed. I'm kinda tired from carrying you around all day." She laughs and I head off to my room.

I wake up around one in the morning and go out to the main room. I find Lily there reading. I sit down next to her and she smiles at me. "Couldn't sleep?" She asks me, I shake my head.

"How about you?" I ask her, she laughs.

"I'm waiting for a letter from my parents, they said they'd send one before they went to bed." I nod, she goes back to reading and I practice my charms for class. There's a tap at the window, we both look up there's an owl carrying a letter. Lily jumps up and rushes over to open the window. The warm night air comes blowing in with the owl. "James there're some treats on the table, as well as some water. Tend to the owl please." I nod and she takes the letter from the owl. She opens it, there's silence as I take care of the owl. I look up and Lily's sobbing.

"Lily? What's wrong?" I ask her, she shakes her head multiple times like she's trying to forget something.

"It can't be true! It can't be! It's all my fault!" She sobs, I frown wondering what's she's talking about. She thrusts the tear-soaked letter at me. I grab it and begin to read.

Dear Ms. Evans,

We regret to inform you that on this evening, Mr. William Evans and Mrs. Catharine Evans, were killed by the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, and his followers, the Death Eaters. The bodies have been taken to a muggle morgue so they can be buried. Ms. Petunia Evans was not home at the time of this encounter. She has been notified of this tragedy, and will likely contact you soon. Please note that the funeral will take place in a fortnight and your absence from school will be permitted so that you can attend. We will gladly give you three days off in a fortnight so you can grieve. Unfortunately, until then you must continue your studies. Please know you have the Ministry's deepest condolences.


Elle King

I crumple up the letter and throw it into the fire. Lily sobs harder and I walk over to her and hug her. "Lils, I know it hurts. I think you'll hurt like this for a while. I do think though that slowly, so slowly that you barely notice it, the pain and hurt will shrink. Eventually, you won't be this sad, but you'll remember your parents for who they were." She smiles and looks at my shirt.

"Oh! James, your shirt is soaked! I'm so sorry!" She exclaims pulling away, dabbing my shirt with her sleeve, trying in vain to make it dryer.

"Lils, it's fine! I have plenty of other shirts!" I say pulling her back to me. I walk us over to the couch and sit down. She sits next to me and lays her head on my shoulder. My heart is beating so fast it's a miracle she doesn't hear it. "Tell me about your parents."

She nods, "Well my mum, she was so sweet. She taught me to read, write, and bake. If I messed something up she'd always tell me that it's a part of life. My dad, though... I am such a daddy's girl. I did everything with my father. He taught me to play football and how to swim. He took me to the carnivals and fairs. Whenever I was sad, he'd tell me he'd be proud of me no matter what." She continued, I listened to her until she stopped. I look over at her and she's fast asleep. I pick her up and carry her to her bedroom. I place her on her bed and pull off her shoes. I peel back the covers and tuck her in them. I place a kiss on her forehead and leave the room quietly. I distinguish the fire and turn off the lights. I open the door to my room and fall into a deep sleep, dreaming about Lily Evans.

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