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When we reached our destination Lily stopped me. "James, wait. I might have maybe told my sister that I wasn't single. And that...." She gulped, "I told her my boyfriend was coming to the funeral." I feel my eyes widen, she buries her face in her hands trying in vain to hide the blush forming. She said that I was her boyfriend. Merlin! I love this girl. I love Lily Evans! "I'm so, sorry! I just didn't want to listen to her harp about how she wasn't single and how I would forever be single because I'm a freak!"

"Lils it's fine. We'll just pretend, she'll never know the difference." She shakes slightly, I walk over to her and place my arms around her. It feels as if my arms belong around her, it makes me happy to be able to comfort her. When she stops shaking I let go. We begin our walk inside the church. Lily grabs my hand as we enter, I can feel myself grinning like a maniac. I wipe the smile off my face when I remember why I'm here.

We walk over to a bony woman who seems to have double the neck. She's crying into the shoulder of a man. It's looks, quite uncomfortable because she has to bend down since he's considerably shorter than her. He, unlike the woman, seems to have no neck at all and he looks like a walrus, I know immediately that this is Vernon Dursley, Lily's sister's finacé. Lily described him to us on the train. She didn't miss a single detail. Every word she used described him perfectly. Since I know this is Vernon, the woman crying must be Petunia. I'm positive that they aren't sisters. They look absolutely nothing alike, Lily is shorter while Petunia is tall. Lily has gorgeous, silky, wavy, auburn hair. Petunia has blonde hair that is short and forced into a perm. Lily's eyes are a vibrant, emerald green. Petunia's are mud brown.

"Hello, Petunia. Vernon." Lily says shaking slightly, I squeeze her hand reassuringly.

"Hello, Freak." Petunia answered, "I see you brought someone. I thought you were joking about that. He is dating you?" She asks incredulously, Lily blushes and I smile.

"James Potter. Lily's boyfriend." I am absolutely giddy with delight calling her that, I stick out my hand trying to be friendly. Petunia and Vernon stare at it like it'll detach from my body and multiply. I pull it back down not letting this damper my spirits. "I'm guessing you are Lily's sister, Petunia Evans," I say nodding at Petunia, she pursed her lips tightly and nodded. "And you must be her fiancé, Vernon Dursley?" I asked, the man scowled and seemed generally upset that I was not only taller than him but also smarter than him too. "Well then nice to finally put faces with names. Lily talked non-stop about you both on our way here." Lily giggled knowing full well, that we hadn't talked at all. They frown trying to decide whether or not I'm being serious.

"Well then, we simply must go but Lily, bring James to dinner tonight. We would love to get to know you two as a couple." Petunia said smirking, Lily blushed. I knew Petunia wasn't convinced, so I made a decision.

I looked at Lily, "We should." I say, hoping she gets my message.

"Yeah, we should. We'd love to Tuney." She responds, "Good idea, Jamesie." I laugh at the ridiculous nickname. Then I do it, I crash my lips against her perfect ones. I feel her melt against me, and I smile. We continue to kiss, and fireworks explode in my mouth. When we break apart we're gasping for breath. "Thanks, James. That made me feel less tense about this whole thing." She says smiling, "Tuney where are we meeting later?"

"Just after the funeral, so here. Now, goodbye." We say goodbye and they stalk off not before we hear, "Why don't you kiss me like that, Vernon?" Our eyes meet and we laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. Then we go sit down, sobering our attitude. Lily cries on my shoulder through the entire service. I don't mind, it makes me feel as if I'm hers and she's mine. Even if only for a few hours, she's mine.

Potter And EvansWhere stories live. Discover now