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I wake up but don't open my eyes, I actually slept well. Excluding the minor nightmare at the beginning of my sleep, I actually had good dreams. I never can remember what I dream about, only how it made me feel. I silently thank James, for making me sleep. I wrap my arms tighter around my teddy bear and smile ser- Wait! I don't have a teddy bear! I slowly open my eyes and my jaw drops. I have my arms wrapped around James Potter! I smile, it feels perfect. My head is in his lap and his hand is in my hair like he was stroking it. His head is lolled to the side like he fell asleep on accident. He looks so peaceful and perfect that I can't resist. I run my hands through his hair and smile. I feel like laughing but I don't want to wake him up. I've always wanted to touch his hair, as creepy as that might sound. I extract my hand from his hair and wrap it back around his waist.

"James." I say gently, "James, can you please wake up?"

He yawns eyes still closed, "Two more minutes Lily." He mumbles and a couple seconds go past suddenly, his eyes fly open. He looks at me with shock, "Lily! Oh, Merlin! You're gonna kill me!" I laugh calmly at his adorableness. I, of course, will never say that aloud. Or that I actually might fancy James Potter. "I am so sorry Lily!" He exclaimed I put my finger on his lips and he stopped rambling. He looked at my finger curiously. I laughed, and he gave a small smile.

"James, it's fine and guess what?" I say excitedly, he smirks and looks at my finger which is still on his lips. I blush and take my finger off his lips.

"Well okay. I don't know, what?" He asks and I can't contain my smile.

"I slept!" I practically yelled, he laughed.

"Okay, you might need to tell me a little more." He said while I grin stupidly.

"I slept without any nightmares! Well, except for that little one at the beginning... but that doesn't count!" I yelled, he laughed and gave me a hug.

"Lily, that's amazing!" I smiled again.

"It's all thanks to you, James!" I say, then I do something brave. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. James' eyes widen and I smile. "Thanks, James. For everything." I detach myself from him and stand up. I walk out of the compartment and off the train. Soon I hear James running behind me. I slow down so he can catch up. We walk up the path to the school and James grabs my hand. I don't pull away for once and he smiles. When we reach the Great Hall there's a silent agreement to let go. He drops my hand and we walk in. Everyone smiles at us (except the Slytherins who are glaring) and we walk slowly over to the Gryffindor table. I sit next to Alice and Peter, while James sits next to Sirius and Remus across from me.

"Hey, Lily. I'm sorry we were all such idiots before. We felt bad and didn't know how to help." I smile at Alice's apology.

"It's okay Ally. I forgive you guys, you were just looking out for me." I give her a hug and blow Marlene a kiss from across the table.

"Lily-flower, are you trying to take my girlfriend away me?" Sirius asks, we all laugh and Marlene gives Sirius a quick kiss.

"Of course, she's not Sirius." She said, then she turned to me, "How were Petunia and the walrus?"

"Oh, we had dinner together after the funeral. Vernon was trying to impress James by telling him all about his new car. James didn't seem very impressed, he told Vernon he didn't have a car but he had the new racing broom, he began describing it. I have never seen Vernon so infuriated. They decided they didn't need to be around our 'abnormalities' anymore any stormed out. But the look on Vernon's face... it was priceless!" I said laughing, all of our friends were laughing and James and I shared a smile.

"What else did the two of you do?" Remus asked I smiled.

James thought for a bit, "Well we went back to our hotel room and slept for a bit. And then-"

"You shared a hotel room?!?!" Sirius and Marlene yelled, James and I laughed.

"Yes, but the room had two beds. We got changed in the bathroom too." I said and Marlene giggled.

"Anyway, then on the second day, Lily and I went to a pancake restaurant for breakfast. Then we went to visit her parents' graves." I gulped and Alice gave me a hug. James sent me a sympathetic glance and I nodded for him to continue. "After that, we went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant, which it turns out Lily loves Mexican food," I grin sheepishly and everyone laughs. "We then went over to visit her little cousins who, I might add, are absolutely adorable."

"Aww, Lily tell us about your cousins," Alice whined, I knew she loved kids so I nodded.

"They're twins and they're five. They just started primary school. Their names are Madison and Mason." Everyone awed at this and I giggled.

"Lily, you forgot that they practically worship you!" James adds and everyone awws again. I laugh and James grins goofily.

"Okay, what did you two do with Madison and Mason?" Sirius asks, I smile.

"Well, I introduced my Aunt Catherine and Uncle William to James. They absolutely loved him, then I introduced his to the twins. They thought he was the coolest person ever! It was adorable! Mason followed him everywhere." They all looked at James who was beet red. "Then Aunt Catherine asked me if James and I could babysit the twins while they went out for dinner and a movie. I said yes, of course, and they left us with the twins."

"Lily missed the most embarrassing part, though. She went to make dinner and left me with the twins. Mason asked me how long we had been dating. I told them we weren't. Then Madison asked me why. I told her that Lily and I were just friends. She then told me that, I 'better get a move on before Lily gets married to some ugly guy.' I was so red that when Lily came in she asked if it was too hot." Everyone burst out laughing including me even though it was semi-embarrassing.

"Well, that's Maddie for you," I say still laughing. "We had dinner with the twins and put them to bed. Then I had the great pleasure to show James the greatest movie ever made. Lady and the Tramp!" Everyone smiled, at least those who knew the movie did. "James loved the movie. Then Aunt Catherine and Uncle William came home. We went back to the hotel and got some rest." I said, then I started eating some.

James decided to pick up where I left off. "Then this morning, Lily asked me to pack which I-"

"Didn't do!" I say before he could say that he did. Everyone laughed and James stuck his tongue out at me. I smiled innocently at him.

"Yea, yea. I didn't actually do it because then Lily decided we should go to this restaurant that serves cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa. I had to go as soon as possible. So went and ate, then we took a walk in the park by the hotel. We went back to the hotel room and Lily laughed at my packing job. Then she packed everything and we apparated to the train station. We boarded and she slept for a bit while I did homework. Then I fell asleep. I was woken up by Lily and we talked for a bit before we got off the train and walked up here." James said skipping over my nightmare, him comforting me, and the kiss on the cheek.

"Now, what have we missed?" I asked, everyone went full-blown storytelling mode. I smiled at James and he smiled back. His perfect lips curving up in that perfect smile. I just might have a problem.

Potter And EvansМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя