Chapter 6

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Instead he asked something. “Do you not want to go to school?”

“Not really no. I want daydream about my- about fantasies and train with you. Spend time with you. Spend time with my grandparents as they are sometimes at home and they have so much free time. It will be weird to be out of the house all the time and away from my family.”

“It should not be the hardest day. Just sort of pretend to listen to the teachers, go from class to class, eat the lunch I make for you and then I’ll pick you up. Then you’ll come home, sometimes classes give you homework. I’ll help you with that.”

“What’s homework?”

“It’s- sort of like the paper exercises I give you or did before this new start of the year in grade-” He paused. “Well bring it home and I’ll help you with it.”

“Ooh could I have a herby cheese sandwich? I love cheese. Cheese is so tasty.” She brought up randomly. It seemed the conversation shifted in her head as new ideas formed and her attention shifted to the idea. She was an easily distracted girl.

“Of course. How about a chicken and egg sandwich?”

“With cheese?”

“Of course.”


He drove his daughter to school, in one of the family cars and she rambled about various things. He slowly walked her into the Saint Joan of Arc High School and she hugged him for a long time before the school bell rang. He suggested for her to stay in her head, think happy thoughts and if anything painful happened tell him.

It was only a first day of school. Really what was the worst that could happen?

When he went into the car his mind tortured him with the memory of what his wife told him. He slammed his forehead into his palms and held back tears. Apparently to give all that he was to the love of his life was not enough, that was not something he was raised to understand.

To give his all to all that he cherished was supposed to be enough. At least his daughter went to school with a mild smile. Sonas always had her head in the clouds, thought things that pleased her and was content sort of. She lived an easy life. He made sure all the people in the mansion lived an easy life. His wife didn’t care. She left with his least favourite family member, his brother. Nothing angered him more. Why?


His parents had sex on the fourth floor, it was heard on the third floor, the noisy racket they made and he stared at the slightly moved floor above him. He stared at the ceiling for four hours or more. Soon it became lunch time. His parents knocked on the locked door and wondered where their lunch was. He didn’t answer. They did not complain about the state of the house just their lunch. He was favourite cook in the house. It soon became the late afternoon and he forgot something. Or would forget, not normally.

He felt empty. Numb. He didn’t like the angry thoughts he was thinking. The vengeful fantasies he was tempted to play out on his wife -who was supposed to be the love of his life- and his brother. He was not going to that of course. The repressed anger made him feel even more empty. He was a man. He could control his emotions.

Would working out make him feel better? He needed to be sane. He was the rock of the family. The glue that held everything together. He even paid the bills and went out to buy things for his lazy wife for fucksakes.

He thought a swearword. God. Why was he-? And another he said the lord’s name in vain! Why was he thinking all these cruel thoughts?

The phone rang beside his ear. The principle spoke several times after he picked up the phone.
“What?” Cosanta said to Principle Ryan through the landline. He laid on his back on the bed. He felt lazy for once.

“Oh so now you say something. I thought no one was there. Your family is so rude. Your grandparents come from old money, slightly, you’d think you’d spawn a more sane child.” Principle Ryan said crossly to Cosanta, also sarcastically. Cosanta sat up swiftly.

“What did you just say?”

“I said- no need to get- This might be hard to hear. You’re daughter kissed an important student this school randomly, the student is my daughter Neart Ryan and that is sexual harrassment. As well she kicked Miss Rogers in her- parts. As well she started- well oddly my daughter says Mike Emerson started the fight-”

“Someone attacked my daugther?”

“Well your sweet and innocent flower as I assume you think of your loony daughter-”

“Shut up.”


“Nothing. My daughter was attacked, this Miss Rogers perhaps led my daughter to aggression and-”

“-oh so that’s what you think-”

“-that’s what I think. What exactly-?”

“Wait-? She kissed a- she kissed a-”
On Sonas Murphy’s first day of school the triplets all worked overtime. They usually worked from five to 2 or more. They worked till their sister’s school ended and they took a break. They drove her home because of news they heard, they wanted to talk her and then they drove back to work. Dia and her perverted brother made fun of Sonas. On the other hand Gleoite did his best to cheer up and they rambled energetically together. Then after an hour or two, forgetting to tell their father that they picked up they drove her home.

Little did they know the irritations were mounting for her father.

During the day Sonas’ grandparents wondered why they weren’t being catered too.

Finally when supper was supposed to be made, the plates set on the table, everyone was finally at home and gathered around the long dinning room table. All except Cosanta Murphy. Their grandparents wondered where their dutiful son was.

Sonas and Gleoite were worried. Sonas tried to think happy thoughts.

“Hey! Does anyone- know how to make dinner?” Sonas asked. Everyone shook their heads. “I could try!” Everyone shook their heads no again. No one wanted to try such an attempt.

Sonas Murphy purposely did not pay attention to the undercurrent of something that went on between her parents and Uncle. She spent that Friday relaxed, in her head a lot and she dressed in her brother's Gleoite's closet. For some reason he liked to dress her up in various clothing that she was indifferent too. He also wanted her comments on his dresses that he liked to wear. At the end of the day when her father again did not make dinner, as well as spent the majority of the time in the basement doing God knows what, she spent the day and night with her brother.
Their father's two favourite children attempted to make dinner for the whole house and everyone except Dia and their Uncle pretended to like the food. For the majority of the day her brother helped her walk around even when she told him her knee felt better. When they sat together on his frilly, skinny pink bed and with posters of Angelina Jolle around his walls, his chin fell her left shoulder and he started to cry and embrace her waist. Sonas blinked languildly and her brother's crying brought her back to earth. She was so used to random bouts of affection from her brother that she did not read into it much.

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