Spade Invasion

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Chapter 5:

                Awaking to blaring sirens is always my favorite thing. In case you didn’t get that, I was being sarcastic.

“KASEY!!!!! WEREN’T YOU ON GUARD?” I shouted from my office. For when I awoke to the sirens I rushed to my office to start to burn all of the information whoever broke in was probably trying to access. No answer came from the corridor that led to the lookout tower. “Kasey?” I tried again. Again, no reply. I cautiously jogged up the spiral staircase leading to the tower above ground. I smelled something, metallic almost. Gunpowder? No, not that, almost like…blood. I picked up my pace to a sprint up the stairs. Kasey was lying on the perch of the lookout tower, her throat slit in that all too familiar swirl that almost looked like an “S”. Spade.

I rushed down the staircase leaving her body and ran through the hallways, the sirens still blared even though everyone had been safely evacuated to the sealed off section of our base. Safe and sound. I ran into the corridor where I put Darren and his crew, I had forgotten that I locked the door. When I unlocked the door and burst in I was almost attacked from the frantic and wild team inside. I calmly beckoned them to come out of the door explaining how the Spades who tried to break in were already sealed off from us for now. But we had to hurry because the Spades would soon find a way out of their trap. With me leading I ran down the corridors, sharp right, left, right, and then straight down in a tunnel. Then a winding one, and so on. When we reached the last corridor I turned and let Darren and his team pass me. Sighing I pulled the lever on the side of the wall as tons of rock and debris filled the tunnels, corridors, and rooms where we once lived. No Spade was going to get to us.

When we reached the door leading into the safe house I knocked on the door with our new code we kept for the safe house (two slow and four fast). We were let in. The safe house looked almost identical to our old, fully supplied and ready for a new start. Stunned faces of girls stared back at Darren’s team and I. Then someone spoke up. “H-how did they ever find us?” she said in a weak voice in between sobs.

“That’s what we are soon going to find out. So in the meantime, stop your sobbing and toughen up, we cannot undo what has already been done. Tomorrow building team, you start on the new safe house. For this is our new base.” I answered in return.

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