Chapter Six: Halloween

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As the month of August came and went, Severus and his son become better acquainted. Severus had to teach classes during the day but normally at least one teacher didn't have a class so they volunteered to watch Harry. They couldn't "Babysit" Harry because according to him he was much to old for that. If all else failed Slink and Ollive the house elves would watch Harry. Slink's name suited him and he often got into more trouble than his twin sister Ollive could get him out of. Luckily for Harry, Severus made as much time for Him as possible.

On the last day of October many of the children of Hogwarts celebrated. The day of Halloween was always a very important day for all wizards. That very night five years ago the evil he who must not be named had been killed and was thought to be dead. Although people died in the process, there was always much need for celebration. Unfortunately that was the price of war.

The students could all attend a party in Hogsmead with a signed permission slip from their parents so the majority of them were in town.

Finally Severus had a whole evening to spend with his son. Too bad the 31st of October never put Severus in a good mood. It was never a very good day for him.

This year would be different he would tell himself every year but, that was never the case. Each October 31st was just as bad as the last or worse. This year was different though. He had Harry. He had his son.

"DADDY DADDY!" Harry beamed when Severus came back from work. He "attacked" Severus' legs and held on as tight as he could. then with puppy dog eyes he stared into Severus' eyes. "Daddy?"

Severus sat down on the couch "Yes Harry?"

Harry sat next to his father and fiddled with his thumbs "Er. Aunt Petunia used to take Dudley treat or tricking and maybe..."

Severus looked down into his sons eyes. Harry was doing the puppy-eye thing he always did when he wanted something.

Severus picked Harry up. "Harry we can't go trick or treating. I'm sorry but you definitely cannot go trick or treating-"

Harry began to cry. He had always wanted to go trick or treating but the Dursleys never let him go with them. He thought his father would let him go. He thought his father loved him. Maybe he was just as bad as his Aunt and Uncle. Maybe he would be worse.

"Let me finish." Snape continued as he held his crying child. "You can't go trick or treating without a proper costume."

Severus looked down at his son. He had stopped crying immediately. His eyes were saucers of light and happiness. He saw the happiness and hope in his son's eyes. He wished he had had a childhood like the one he was giving Harry. Or at least trying to give Harry.

"Yay!" Harry shouted as he ran around the room, his hands waving in the air. "Victory!" He giggled.

Severus chuckled. Harry was such a cutie.

When Harry finally ceased to run around the room like a crazy toddler, which he was, he leapt back into Severus' lap.

"So," Snape began, ruffling Harry's already messy hair, "What do you want to be for Halloween?"

Harry thought about this for a while. He made a funny face and placed his finger on his chin to indicate to his father that he was thinking. "Hmmm" He kept repeating to himself.

"How about..." Harry would keep saying and follow it shortly with "oh no no no." Finally he made a decision.

"I wanna be BATMAN!" Harry jumped up and ran around the room pretending to fly.

Severus smiled at his son. "Alright Batm-"

"WAAAIIT!" Harry screamed. He had stopped pretending to fly and was now standing in the middle of the room.

"What's wrong Harry?" Severus asked just as someone knocked on the door. "One minute Harry"

He walked over to the door to open it but Harry ran over to the door. Jumping to reach the doorknob. "I gots it! I gots it!" He kept shouting. Severus helped him open the door.

Snape rolled his eyes. "Hello Minerva."

McGonagall gave Severus pat on the shoulder and smiled. "Hello Severus dear."

She turned her attention to Harry who stood eagerly waiting to see her. She picked up Harry, pinching his checks like a Grandmother would.

"Now Harry what are you two going to do tonight?" Minerva said to Harry but looked at Severus.

"Trick o' Treating!" Harry said excitedly.

"Oh how fun!" McGonagall put Harry down. "And what is your costume going to be?"

"Batman." Snape said.

Harry looked at the floor. "Wellll... I don't wanna be Batman anymore Daddy."

Severus looked down at the indecisive toddler. "What do you mean Harry?"

Harry rubbed his little feet together amd stared down at them like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "Daddy I wanna be Wobin.

"If you want to be Robin why didn't you just say so?" Severus asked Harry.

"I want you to be Batman." Harry said still looking at his feet.

Snape was mortified. He didn't know what to say. He doesn't dress up. He wouldn't. Not a chance. But how was he doing to tell the kid that?

"Pleeasssee Daddy! Please!" Harry begged his father.

McGonagall giggled to herself. "Oh what a wonderfull idea Harry! I'm sure your father would love to dress up with you!"

Severus' eyes said he was angry with Minerva but his lips were smiling. "Harry I would love to..." He was trying to find a way to let the young boy down easy then he saw Harry's puppy eyes, "I would love to be Batman if you would be my Robin."

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