Chapter Three: The Dursleys'

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It was late morning when Harry woke up. He was startled at first to be waking up in a strange place that wasn't the small cupboard under the stairs.

Then he remembered the events of the night before. The big giant who had burst into number 4 privet drive. The giant telling Harry to go with him that it was urgent Hog-something business. He wasn't sure what that meant but he knew it down right scared his aunt Petunia. He remembered showing up at a strange door and the giant telling him to knock. Then finding out he had a different father. And falling asleep in his new father's arms. His new father. Where was he?

He looked on the other side of the bed to see it empty. At first he thought he had been forgotten and that his new dad didn't want him just like the Dursleys. He was about to cry when the door opened and his new dad walked into the room.

"DA-"Harry had a sudden burst of energy and ran to his father. He hadn't decided he didn't want to keep Harry. Harry was very glad that his father didn't leave him or forget about him. His new father was there.   

"Good morning." Snape said in between bites of toast.  He pushed the young child away from him. "What'll you be wanting for breakfast?"

"Er..." Harry thought deeply. He groggily rubbed his eyes. His sudden burst of energy gone completely. He was never asked what he wanted for breakfast. He normally would get whatever Dudley left from his breakfast. Which meant he usually went without breakfast. His new father seemed to be getting annoyed so he said the first thing that popped into his head "Oatmeal?"

Severus was stunned. After all what five year old would ask for oatmeal for breakfast? He however didn't question the boy and quickly summoned a house elf to prepare Harry breakfast.

After the house elf disappeared Harry asked "Was that a talking dog?"

"Dog!?" Snape was stunned. How could he not know what a house elf was? Suddenly he remembered how Petunia had felt about the magical community. Of course Harry didn't know.

"That, Harry, was a house elf." Snape said sitting down on his bed and pulling the sleepy child onto his bed to sit next to him. He explained everything about the magical world to Harry, much like he had when he met Lily. Harry had sat listening the entire time. Not interrupting his father once.

When the house elf had brought Harry his oatmeal Harry took it happily. He had a whole bowl of oatmeal. A bowl that was made just for him. Not an almost empty bowl that was the leftovers from his cousin.

"I hope you aren't planning on eating that in bed." Snape snarled at the boy. "I happen to have manners and intend for my son to as well."

"Sorry...Efr.." Harry stuttered. "Dad?"

The boy wasn't sure if he should call him Daddy, or Dad, or Father.

"Whatever is to your liking." Snape said as if he read Harry's thoughts. "Follow me if you will."

Snape led Harry through a sitting room with a rather large fireplace to a smaller attached room with a small dark wooden table. Harry sat at the table finishing his warm oatmeal as Snape read the Daily Prophet. Once Harry was done with his meal Snape stood up. He summoned the house elf again and asked it to take Harry's bowl back to the kitchens. Harry gave the bowl to the house elf and thanked him. The elf bowed his upper half and disappeared once more. Harry who was still in his pajamas stood next to Severus.

Snape transfigured Harry's pajamas into a simple outfit of jeans and a blue shirt. He picked up a small pouch full of grey dust. He stood in the fireplace. Harry found this to be very odd but followed suit.

Suddenly Snape grabbed Harry's hand and said something Harry thought was number four Privet Drive. Then they erupted into saphire flames and ended up in the fire place in his aunt and uncle's house. Harry found this fascinating. He let out a small squeal of amusement which Snape chose to ignore.

"Aaaahhh!" Petunia's scream rang through the house. She had been watching the morning news while reading the post. She quickly recovered. "Freaks in my house! Don't you even knock you!?"

Severus seemed unphased by Petunia's shouting although he noticed Harry hiding behind him prepared for a beating. He felt a strange rush of parental protection come over him and he scooped Harry up. Harry hid his face in his father's hair refusing to look at his angry aunt.

"I don't know why you're here." Petunia continued. "That rotten boy doesn't own anything least not in my house!" She yelled getting as close to Harry's ears as she could. Snape turned his back on Petunia. "Oh you think just because my sister was stupid enough to... with you means you have a right to-"

"Do you know how to stop running your mouth?" Snape cut Petunia off.

She stood there for a while in shock. "How dare you insult me in my own home!"

"Oh shut up you insufferable woman!"

This last comment seemed to shut Petunia up. "fine. But he's not leaving with any of my possessions."

With the final word Harry's cruel aunt stormed out of the living room and up the stairs. Severus turned to his son who seemed to have cried over their fighting. This reminded Severus of when his parents would fight constantly which had ended in his father's anger being taken out on him.

"Why don't you go pack whatever is from your room Harry?" Severus said putting the boy down.

"O...o..kay." He managed through his sniffles.

Severus watched the boy head for the stairs but instead of going up them he went to the small cupboard under the stairs. Severus followed Harry and poked his head into the small space. He noticed a small cot shoved into the space and a few metal horse and solders which Harry was packing into a brown paper bag.

"This isn't where you sleep is it?" Severus asked with genuine concern.

"It is. " was Harry's response.

"I'm glad you are not staying here anymore." was all Snape could manage. How dare these vile people lock his son up in a cupboard under their stairs like some kind of unworthy animal.

"Me too." Harry mumbled.

Harry had packed what little clothes he had that actually fit him although they were from when Dudley was about two, and a small set of toy horses and soldier men that Dudley had decided he was bored with. He took drawings off the walls, and paper dolls and origami animals he had made. He gave his sack of clothes and toys to his father.

Snape rummaged through Harry's sack of things occasionally making hisses and faces of disgust. He brought a pair of trousers to his nose and sniffed it. That was a mistake for he quickly withdrew his face in a coughing fit. He finally decided to throw out everything in the bag as far as clothes went. Snape wasn't rich but even he could afford better than what the Dursleys had given Harry.

"Hey those were my clothes!" protested Harry when Snape threw his clothes into the Dursley's bin.

"Not anymore. We are going to the market to purchase new clothes that actually fit you and don't reek of well I'm not sure." Snape snapped at Harry.


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