Chapter One: Revelations

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It was a gloomy day in late August. Severus was walking in the corridors of Hogwarts. His mind once again shifting to think of Lily Precious Lily had her life stolen from her. It had been so unfair. It was hard to believe almost four years ago Lily Evans the love of his life had passed away. No. She had been murdered. Passed away made it seem like a delicate death. Like she was lying in a patch of flowers and died peacefully in her sleep. When in fact she had been brutally murdered. Murdered by a ruthless, vile, evil man. And worst of all Severus himself had been a cause of it. If he had never told the prophecy to Voldemort she would still be alive.

"You wished to speak with me Professor?" Snape asked as he entered the headmaster's office without knocking.

The always cheery Dumbledore sat at his desk. He stood when he heard Severus enter. "Ah yes. Severus please sit." he gestured to the empty seat in front of his desk. He walked around the desk and stood in front of the chair. Severus slowly walked forward and sat down. "Lemon drop?"

He waved his hand in dismissal. "What is it you needed?"

"To give you this." Dumbledore held up an old looking envelope. The letter inside was just as crinkled and stained. Dumbledore handed Severus the letter. As he opened the letter Severus immediately recognized the handwriting. Lily's.

He was about to read it when there was a soft tapping on the door. He turned to look as Dumbledore waltzed over to the door to open it. To his surprise a small five year-old Potter entered the room. Severus then realized it was stupid of him to be shocked. If this was Lily's letter why would the boy not be involved? Then he realized something else. The letter. It wasn't even for him. It must be for the Potter boy. His heart sank.

His mind went back to reality when the door was shut again. Severus realized that Dumbledore had left. That man! He cursed at him in his head. He then looked at the chair beside his own and realized the Potter boy was sitting in it, staring at him. His eyes were the size of saucers begging to be told more.

Children are always such curious little brats thought Severus. He looked away from the child, but not without giving a cruel scowl first. He decided to read the letter. He had been right it was from Lily. However he quickly realized that the letter was addressed to him.

Dear Sev,

I know it's much too late to apologize but I'm sorry.

I wanted to tell you when I realized but i couldn't. I just couldn't do that to James. If he had found out we had had an affair. (oh i just don't know how to write this. if only i could've told you in person but i can't see you again..)

At this point Severus had been close to tears. He knew the Potter boy was watching him but he didn't care. Lily had loved him. She had. Even if they were never married or lived happily ever after she had cared. He decided to continue to read the letter. Being careful not to smear the ink with his now running tears.

Harry. Harry's going to need someone. I don't know where he will go. Where he will be sent. I hope that he finds you and you find him. Because a young boy will need his father.

What? Father? What did she mean by that? They had only well to be frank had sex once. And in all honesty it had been pleasant but Lily had been very upset about it. She had after all cheated on James. Not that that arrogant swine hadn't deserved it.

I'm sorry Sev. I know I should have told you. I had wished for Harry to grow up to look like James for James to think he was Harry's father but he's not.

Well it's confirmed then? He, Severus Snape or snivellus as he had been known throughout his time at Hogwarts as a student, was infact the true father of the boy-who-lived.

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