Chapter four: Diagon Alley

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"What is this place?" said Harry as he clutched Severus' robes in his small fists.

They had once again transported from one fireplace to another. Only this place was in no way familiar.

"This Harry, is Diagon Alley." Said Snape "This is where we will be doing most of our shopping."

The small alley way was cluttered with people. The people here were dressed just as bizarrely as the people at the fancy castle. Harry wondered if he would have to dress like that. He hoped not.

Harry was a little too distracted in his imagination he didn't notice his father walk into a store right next to where they were standing. And Harry's father did not seem to notice the lack of one small son.

"Dad?.....Dad!?.....DAD?!" Harry shouted. His heart was racing and tears swelled up in his eyes.

His father didn't want him just like Aunt Petunia always said. He was an unwanted rat and no one would ever want him as their child. He cried even more knowing that his Aunt had been right about him.

"Don't cry poor child. We'll help you find your daddy sweetheart." A nice redheaded woman told Harry. "I'm Molly and this is my husband Arthur. Now sweetie where was the last place you saw your daddy?"

Harry wipped the tears from his eyes. He looked around and remembered "Here." He stomped his little foot on the ground to indicate the exact location.

"Alright sugar. What does your father look like. Well he must be handsome with such a cute son!" Molly ruffled Harry's hair.

"Er...." Harry knew what he looked like, but how to describe him? "He is dis tall!" Harry raised his arm high into the air "An long black hair. An er....dis tall!" Harry indicated with his arm again this time standing on tip toes.

"What's his name dear? Do you know his name?" Molly asked. The boys description was well not much to go by.

Harry had to think long and hard about this question. " I don't 'member!"

"Okay. Arthur go check those two stores for his father. I'll wait here with the child incase he returns." Molly turned back to Harry "Now what was your name dear?"

"Harry....Harry P-" Harry caught his tongue before he said Potter. That wasn't his last name. Only he couldn't remember what was.

Molly wiped his messy hair out of his face and examined his forehead. She gave a start and her eyes popped out of her head when she saw that lighting scar.

"Oh sweetheart!" Molly exclaimed.

She didn't know that Harry Potter had been adopted. And well he was the most famous five year old in the whole of the Wizarding world.

She also knew that his "father" or who everyone thought to be his father had been killed by Voldemort on the night of Halloween. Of course a couple had jumped up at the thought of adopting the boy who lived. And seeing how cute he was Molly wished it had been her.


Arthur walked into the store closest to where the lost little boy had been. How was he supposed to go about finding the mystery father? He didn't have much to go by. Not a good description or his name. He decided to just ask.

"Is anyone missing a son? About five years old, black messy hair," Arthur yelled loud enough for the entire store to hear without disturbing them... much.

Everyone else in the building just shrugged. Some with children checked to make sure they had their child safely with them.

It had just dawned on him that he should have asked tell child's name. Surely he would have known his own name. That's when a tall mam wearing all black did a double take.

Severus had only remembered he had a son. As of about 17 hours ago really. He had abandoned his son on their first day together. How could he be so stupid? He couldn't raise a child and he knew it. Why hadn't Dumbledore left him with his Aunt? At least they never lost him.

"Harry!" Severus screamed and ran out the door to find his little boy cradled yet again in a woman's loving arms.

Severus began to think he would be better off with someone like this women instead of him. At least she didn't lose her children if she had any. His thoughts faded when Harry leapt out of Molly's arms and ran straight into Severus. Severus picked him up in a warm loving embrace.

"I was so worried." Snape confessed to Harry.

He put his son down making sure the little boy stayed near. Harry decided it was best for him to continue to hang on to his father's index finger.

"Don't worry." Molly told Snape. "Arthur's done that a thousand times!"

Before Snape had time to ask Arthur Weasley had appeared behind his wife. "It's part of being a parent."

Snape tried to be friendly but he wasn't good at making friends. His only friend... no he wouldn't think of Lily. Not right now.

"Come now Harry. Thank the kind lady and for merlin's sake do not get lost again."

Harry walked to the lady and attempted to wrap his tiny toddler arms around the relatively plumper woman. "Thank you." He murmured.

She bent down to hug him and smiled. "Of course sweetie."

Harry let go of Molly and grabbed his father's finger again. Severus still got quite startled with the physical contact. He had never been one of hugs or physical contact of any kind.

Harry followed his father into a store that held more bizarre clothing.

"Is this where we get clothes from?" Harry pointed to an area of the store with small cloaks and such, about his size.

"Ah yes." Severus said and he found his way to the clothing for little boys. "Er..." He held up a small pair of trousers and examined them.

He took a pair of the same trousers only a slightly smaller size and gave them both to Harry telling the boy to try them on. There was only one slight issue. Harry didn't know how to buckle pants. Or unbuckle for that matter.

"Er... Dad?" Harry took the trousers and examined them as his father had. "Can you help me?"

"May you help me." Severus corrected him.

"I askeded first!" Harry complained.

Severus chuckled lightly and awkwardly helped Harry into his pants. They left the shop and Diagon Alley with not just clothes for Harry but a few toys and candy from Honeydukes.

For once in his life Harry had felt like he had a family. A small and somewhat misfunctional family. But nonetheless it was a family. And it belonged to him.

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