Chapter Two : Coming home

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Severus held Harry in his arms as he left the headmaster's office. Harry had long since fallen asleep so Severus decided not to take Harry to pick up his things from the Dursley's until the next day.

When he entered his private chambers he set Harry onto his bed. The small boy squirmed around a little until he found a comfortable spot right in the middle of the bed. Severus undressed and put on some green silk pajamas. He figured Harry must've been uncomfortable in his clothes so he transfigured them into soft green pajamas that matched his own pajamas.

"Why don't you two look cute!" Mcgonagall beamed at Severus.

"Don't you know how to knock woman?" Severus sneered at Mcgonagall. "what do you want?"

Mcgonagall who had become used to Snape's sneering over the years simply replied "Only to check if you needed anything. The Dursley's have been informed that Harry wishes to stay with you now and that you should arrive in the morning to pick up Harry's things."

"No." He walked towards the door pushing Minerva out as well "I happen to be more than capable of taking care of my own son." He shut the door right in her face.

Severus despised children. He despised the boy he had thought had been James' even more. Unfortunately for him he hated failing at anything even more. He wanted to show those who thought he couldn't be a good father that he in fact could be a more than adequate father.

But most of all he feared being a terrible father like his father had been. He had abused him and been drunk constantly. Snape would treat Harry so much better. To prove he could be much better than his good for nothing father had been.

More importantly he would take care of Harry for Lily. She had wished for him to grow up with his father. She knew she was going to die and she wanted, on the off chance that Harry had survived, for him to live with him. He couldn't let Lily down. Not after what he had done to her.

After preparing properly for bed and changing the password to his private chambers, though he knew Minerva would find it out again and he'd have to change it for the twentieth time, he crawled into his bed. He pushed Harry onto one side of the bed careful not to wake him up. Severus was so stressed over the day's events he had a very hard time falling asleep.

He decided to work on the spare room he often used for storage. He cleaned out the room making it a little safer and hopefully more welcoming for a small child of Harry's age.

The room was right off of his bedroom so if Harry ever needed Severus he would always be close. He added brighter lights into the room to lighten it up. He cleaned the walls and put up lime green wallpaper. Severus was satisfied with the new look of the room.

Once the room was completely empty and ready for whatever Harry brought home from the Dursleys', Severus was tired enough to lay down and get some sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be hard. He hoped he could wake up and this would all be a very strange dream. Unfortunately for him it wasn't a terrible dream, and deep down he knew it. It was true . Harry was his son.

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