Chapter Five: Pain Never Disappears

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Chapter Five: Pain Never Disappears

I woke up to the sound of chirping birds and slow wind currents hitting the storage garage windows. I felt strange and still had pain in my stomach and throat. I lifted my heavy head up from the ground and noticed something very strange.

I saw I was covered with someone’s jacket. And the way it looked, including size, made me assume it was a guy’s jacket. It was leather so it was overly warm. I rubbed it against my bare skin and sucked in the warmth.


Bare skin!

Slowly I lifted the jacket and saw that I only had on my bra and underwear. How did I get undresses? What happened last night? I have to get out of here.

Behind me, a door opened. Oh, please don’t be Nelly and Frank. I averted my eyes and buried my face in-between my knees. In no time I would be getting my morning dose of beating. Please, make it quick. I can’t stand that pain anymore. It hurts!

Something wet came across my face as I lifted my head. I peered into the most gentle eyes of my wolf. Without thinking, I wrapped my hands around his neck, crying with joy. My wolf is the only one that makes me feel safe and happy. I wouldn’t mind living with Pippen forever.

“What did you just call me?”

I pulled back, afraid I upset him by naming him. I mean I could change it to something he likes. Or maybe he could just tell me his name-- his real name.

“I called you Pippen,” I sat on the floor, staring at my wolf. My protector.

It took awhile, but he did respond.

“Pippen? Like from the Lord of the Rings?” His face stayed completely the same as he communicated with me through his mind. At first the mind-talking frightened me, but I got used to it. That was the only way he could talk to me. And I do enjoy out talks.

I gently rubbed my neck, trying to not pull out my stitches. I’m sore everywhere. It’s not fun sleeping on the floor all night.

“Yah!” I looked down, shyly. “I hope that is ok? I mean-- I could call you by your real name. if you would tell me it.”

The wolf curled around me, making me feel overexposed to the world.

“I can’t do this. Where is my man’s jacket come from? And why am I basically naked? Where is my gown?” I said as my wolf gently pushed me into him. I loved the warm feeling that radiated off him.

“Sleep.” he demanded, just like last night.

“I can’t sleep right now, I’ve got to go to school,” I tried to sound strong, but my voice came out as a whisper. I started yawning uncontrollably. “No! Stop!” I tried uselessly to shove my wolf aside. If I was late again-- Oh, I don’t know. Possibly get an extra week of detention or worse, suspension.


his word ‘sleep’ vibrated through my body until I gave in and fell into his comforting embrace. I didn’t really have much of choice. Whenever it came to him making me sleep, I had to. My wolf only did this to me when I had just gotten beaten by Nelly and Frank. I still wondered to this day on how he knew about the abuse. Every time I asked, he would change the subject.

I remember waking up feeling something shifting underneath me. But I refused to open my eyes for I was to tired. Footsteps formed around me, but dissipated. I could hear a man speaking, which I assumed into a phone.

‘Could you come over and bring Ginger some clothes?’ Silence. ‘Thank you. Tell my uncle that she is ok. She was with me.’

A man’s hand gently touched and kissed my cheek. I forced myself to stay still. I didn’t want to cause this person to hurt me.

It sounded like he disappeared as I was left alone, again. The jacket from before was still on me, keeping me cozy from the chilly May weather. This year was unusually cold, not making it over fifty more than once.

A door creaked opened as I started to wake up for the third time. I could feel the sun on my skin, warming me.


I slowly lifted myself into a proper sitting position and keeping the unknown man’s jacket around myself. I was afraid the person was Nelly.

“Ginger?” said a girl with a small squeaky voice. I covered my eyes as the sunlight came through blinding me. I saw a silhouette of a girl and shot to the conclusion that this person was none the less than Nelly.

I backed up against the wall as fast as I could. My head hit a piece of loose wood and dug into the back of my neck. I let out a startled cry, but didn’t stop pushing away from Nelly.

My childish instincts kicked in as I started to sob. I can’t stand this pain anymore. I would be dead in two years. Most likely sooner.

“Ginger? Oh. . . I’m sorry. Ginger, look at me.” The girls voice demanded. “Ginger. It’s me. Anna.”

Slowly, but surely I glanced up. Low and behold, I saw my best-friend. “Anna,” I cried. Anna was by my side within a heart beat, cradling me till my heart stopped pounding so hard. I swear it was going a hundred beats an hour.

Anna returned to her backpack and pulled out some clothes. I noticed that they were new because of the tags. She threw them on my lap, but I just glanced at them. I couldn’t except them. They looked like they cost a fortune.

I told her I couldn’t except them, but she insisted on me wearing them. She was the best-friend in the world. My only friend to be exact.

Anna helped me to my feet and brought me to her awaiting car. Anna’s parent’s bought her a car for her 16th birthday. I got a hell of a beating for mine. The car was already on when we got there and I sank into the passenger seat. I must have fallen asleep because I suddenly found myself in the second parking lot.

Anna opened my door and grabbed my elbow. I allowed her to drag me to the main office doors of the High School, but yanked me elbow back, shaking.

She stared at me for a second, but I turned around. I felt her hand on my shoulder. “Ginger?”

I didn’t turn around, but whispered, “I can’t g-go in there. Not as long as he I-is in-n there.”


“Mr. Grafter.”

She looked shocked when I said his name. “You mean, Sam.”


Suddenly, I felt another hand grasp my shoulder. I shuttered, turning to face my principal, Mr. Noelnder. Why? Why does he always have to be there?

“I’m glad that you could join us, Ginger,” proclaimed Mr. Noelnder, taking my hand and removing his hand from my shoulder.

“Join you with what?” I was completely confused.

Anna broke the silence, breaking the news like when popping a zit. “We will be helping get ready for the Junior Prom. Instead of sitting in detention, Sam suggested that we help set up and then help put it away after.”

“But,” I protested, “I’m not going to Prom.”

Things became fuzzy as a familiar man came towards us. I backed up, keeping my seven paces away from Sam. Who knows what he wants, now.

Sam and Principal Noelnder glanced at each other, speaking only a few words and nodding twice to something sad. I should have tried to eavesdrop, but a sudden surge of knowing came across me, especially when I laid eyes on Sam.

Where have I seen him before? Why do I feel like I know him? I have to get out of here!

Anna seized my hand and nearly dragged me into the school. Don’t I ever get a brake? I think I would be better off with Nelly and Frank. Who knows what Sam will do to me today. Only time could tell.

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