Chapter 21: Insanity

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The room I'm in looks like a hospital, und it reminds me of when I first got here, although I'm not tied up anymore. Footsteps sound in the corner of the room. "You feeling okay, Maxi?" I hear Dick ask. I try to sit up, but my chest explodes in pain. "Ah... I'm not really sure." He comes over and tries to get me too lay back down. "Don't try to get up, it'll just hurt worse." I ignore his warning and swing my feet over the side, only to find that he was right and my whole torso is instantly on fire, but I ignore it. I grip the side of the bed for balance and try to stand. My footing is weak and so I trip and Dick catches me.

"Slow down, and get back in that bed, Maxi." He says and places a firm hand on my shoulder to keep me from falling.

"I'm fine, I just need to walk around a little bit." I say, even though I know I probably can't even stand.

"No, you have a broken rib and a concussion, please don't be hard headed right now." I know he's right, I sigh.

"Ok, but only because you said please." and because I'm about to fall. A look of relief shows on his brow and he helps me get back in bed.

"Is there any Kinder chocolate here?" I ask.


"Well you probably don't have the same brand, so any type of German chocolate?" He pauses and thinks.

"Possibly, I could go check."

"Oh and do you mind grabbing the i-pod I brought with me, und my earbuds?"

"Uh, sure."

"Danke Shon."

"You're welcome." Then he leaves and I am alone for what seems like forever. The room is suddenly filled with laughter and I jump.

"Hello, deary, how are you today, feeling a little, under the weather, ha ha ha HA!" Nein, Joker can't be here, I'm at the infirmary at Mt. Justice, it's not possible!

"Surely I am here, see?" He walks through the door with a gun in hand, I teleport into the hallway and try to run, but I fall and I have to teleport to get away.

"Where are you going, deary?"

~~~~Nightwing's POV~~~~

"Maxi, stop, it's me!" I yell, but she is too scared to look back. I run after her, but the next time she teleports, I don't see where she ended up.

"Guys, have you seen Maxi?" I yell telepathically.

"No, I thought she was in the infirmary." Gar replies.

"She's confused and hallucinating, she didn't recognize me."

"Aren't you guys super close, though?"

"Just find her before she hurts herself even more."

The rest of the team splits up and starts searching through the halls and rooms.

"I found her, but I'm going to need some help." Tim says and I head towards his location.

~~~~Maxi's POV~~~~

A sound in the vent catches my attention, but the footsteps are too light to be Joker's.

"Maxi, are you ok?" I hear Tim's voice call up.

"I don't know..." I hear my shaky voice say, tears start to well up in my eyes.

"Can you get down?" He asks, and I try to move.

"Nein, I'm bleeding, und I can't move without teleporting."

"Dick's coming, hang in there." I hear more than one pair of footsteps coming towards the vent I'm in.

"Maxi, I'm coming up." I hear Dick's deep voice echo throughout the metal box. I see a hand grab the edge of the vent and he pulls himself up.

"I'm going to move you towards the entrance." He says and tries slide me forward carefully.

"What happened... to... Joker?" I say through gasps of air, a precious substance that I am now running out of.

"He's not here, don't worry, just focus on getting out of the vent."I try to move my hand towards the corner, but only get a couple inches closer. The pain is almost unbearable.

"Beast Boy, help me get her out of here."

"Gotcha." Something hairy touches my hand and a green trunk wraps around my wrist. In a slow motion Beast Boy pulls me out of the vent, with Dick there to keep me steady.

"I can barely... breathe..." I whisper, my chest is only rising in small, random, fractions and I can scarcely make out the sound of my heart, slowed to a weak thump.

"Keep your eyes open, ok, don't fall asleep." Nightwing says and Gar lowers me out of the opening. The light highlights my pale face in the metal reflection, the deep red stains contrast against the lighter blue, I look terrible.

"Gar, bring her down to the medical wing, she needs attention." Dick says and I am lifted up by Beast Boy again. The air stings as I am carried to the same medical room I was in before the hectic incident that caused me to almost die, again. I feel the soft sheets press against my torn body as I am lowered on to the bed. It's easier to breathe now and I see the piece of chocolate that Dick had gotten me, I smile inwardly.

"Hook her up to an I.V." There's a prick in my forearm as the needle slides in. My head aches and my body feels broken, I can barely keep my tired eyes open and exhaustion attacks them. I let my muscles relax and feel myself drifting in a downward spiral.

Clone (An X-Men fanfic)(Completed)(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now