Chapter 9: Pirates

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~~~Kurt's P.O.V~~~

Me and Maxi are on the edge of the light near the dock and we see a woman and boy hand the ship's captain an envelope, and he says something to them but I can not hear them so Maxi is telling me what they are saying.

" The captain is saying 'It better all be there because if it's not you're off the ship,' and the woman is replying, 'It is,' so my guess is that the captain is not going to treat the people on the ship very well."

"Well we should teleport on there now so that the ship does not leave us behind, ja?"

"Ja that would defeat the whole purpose of this crusade."

And with that we appear in the shadows of the metal boxes on the ship with a faint BAMF, but it catches the attention of the little boy who came with his mother.

"Hello, who's there?" he calls out.

"Hallo, Junge." I reply letting him see me, and I motion for Maxi to join me.

"Whoa! An X-Man, you're Nightcrawler, aren't you, and who are you?" He points to Maxi.

"I'm Silver Shadow, but you can call me Maxi."

I then say, "Ja, I am Nightcrawler, but you can call me Kurt."

"Wow, two X-Men... You can call me Squidboy, well that would be my name if I was..."

"If you were what?" I ask.

"If I was an X-Man, but I don't really have cool powers, all I can do is breath under water." The boy looks down.

"Well I would be glad to breath under water if I was on a leaky boat like this."

He then smiles and looks up, "Thanks Kurt, and..."

"Sammy, come here before the captain sees you, who were you talking to?" A feminine voice says, most likely his mother, but before he can look back at us we're gone, to make sure the other mutants are safe.

~~~Maxi's P.O.V~~~

We teleport to the stairwell that goes down to the crew's quarters and see the beds are empty, so we go to the kitchen and see a table with bowls of soup and bread. Of course the two men setting the table don't notice us, because we blend into the shadows, so Kurt teleports to the table and brings it back to the cargo room where all the mutants are and he meets me back at the metal boxes.

"Maxi, we have to get the pillows and blankets from the crew while they are sleeping, will you help me do that?"

"Ja I will," I reply with excitement.

"OK let's go." He says and we both teleport to the quarters where the lay sleeping under warm blankets and atop of soft pillows.

"Eins... zwei... drei," we take all the blankets and pillows from under their heads in a small series of teleports and we drop them with the mutants.

Then we hear several shouts of angry surprise from the crew below and the captain yells at all the mutants to line up on deck, "Oh Kurt I think that our actions may have caused a couple of repercussions."

"Ja, be ready for anything, I will take care of the captain if he does anything."

"Ok," I reply, and tense up just in case the captain did anything. After a couple of minutes of yelling I see the captain grab one of the younger mutants and shove her off the boat. I teleport and grab her right before she hits the water, then I teleport back to the deck and I see Kurt grab the captain and teleport to the crows nest where he dangles and threatens to drop him if he does anything. Kurt then teleports back down and everyone cheers. Until a shadow shows overhead and a loud explosion rocks the side of the ship.

"Stand down and surrender, we are here to take your ship." a woman's voice says behind us and when we turn to see who it is, it looks like she's a viking with for robot arms and she can teleport! Well this is great, we're being attacked by pirates.

"Who are you?" Kurt asks and I pull my sword out tentatively.

"I am Spiral, and if you put your sword away maybe Mojo will spare your miserable lives."

Then we attack, me on her left side and Kurt on her right. We barate her with several blows until she overtakes me with three of her arms and Kurt with the other three.

"This is a waste of my time," she says, then points at the other mutants and orders her men to take the ones with interesting powers and leave the rest in the cargo hold of the slowly sinking ship.

"Hurry up, we don't want to keep Mojo waiting."

Then she teleports all of her crew and some of the mutants onto her pirate ship.

"What are we going to do Kurt, we can't just let her take those mutants, and we can't let these ones sink with the ship."

"You're right Maxi, I don't know what we are going to do but we should fix the ship." I look at him as he says this and hear a voice behind me.

"I can help fix the ship, because I can breathe under water, and the other kids can help with their powers as well." Sammy, or Squidboy, says and I see the other children behind him as well.

"Ok, let's get started, what can you do?" I say and point to one of the older boys in the group.

"I shoot sticky goo out of my hands, Pixie can fly, he shatters things, and she communicates with technology."

~~~~~~ After about an hour of fixing up the ship~~~~~~

"Now let's go save the others," Kurt says and teleports to the other ship's decks. I see Spiral and her goons fighting Kurt as I teleport over.

"Go rescue the mutants below deck, Maxi, I'll handle the pirates."

"Ok I'll be right back," and I teleport down the stairs and see a locked door with sounds coming from the inside, obviously where the prisoners are being kept."

I touch the door knob and it just melts underneath my fingertips and there's a rust like film spreading over it. Whoa how did that happen I think as the door swings open and grateful sounds of rejoice come from the other mutants, and I see one that I recognize as Sammy's mother.

"Thank you so much, did you save my son?"

"Yes, he is on the other ship."

I see the look of relief spread across her face as she races towards the upper deck with the others and I soon follow to see Kurt pull of both of Spiral's pair of robotic arms and say, "You have one more pair to lose, I don't think you want to take that chance." Then she frowns at him and we teleport everyone back to our other ship and watch as they leave.

Clone (An X-Men fanfic)(Completed)(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now