Ouija session (pt-1)

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I walked down the stairs and went to the dinning table to have my dinner. I switched on the TV and there was nothing to watch. I had my dinner quickly and went into my bed room to complete my home work.


I looked at my wrist watch and the time was 12:30am. Cool breez was blowing in through the open window. I got up and locked up the window and sat on my bed wondering. I then got up and moved towards my cuboar and opened it. There was the ouija board , I picked it up in my hand and walked towards the bed . I sat my bed and looked behind the ouija board it had a red hand print and bellow it was written "use it well" . I kept thinking but I had no clue what did it mean. I kept ti Ouija board back into the cuboar. I then went to sleep.

'What was that ?, I asked my self as I got up sweating. I took my wrist watch , the time was 3:00Am. My room was freezing. I took the water bottle in my hand my hands turns numb on touching the froozen water bottle. I sat up straight on my bed and I gasped on seeing the Ouija board on my study table. I remembered I putted it back in the cuboar.

'Then how did it come out ?, I asked my self.

I went to my study table and I was forced to place my hands on the planchett. I felt some one pulling my hands towards the planchett. It scratched my hands and my hands were bleeding I Couldn't handel it any more and I Screamed.

I got up breathing heavily. My mom entered to my room.

"It was a dream ?", I asked my self.

"What happened?", asked my mom.

"Oh my god , you are having high fever ", she added.

I looked at my hand and the scratches were still there. My mom went down to call the doctore.

" he is freezing ", said my sister Neha to my mom.


kanishka entered into the calss room. She sat on her usual place.

"Kanishka, I heared you went to sushanth's home last evening ", said Gaznafar.

"Yes I did ", said Kanishka

"Is something wrong with him ?", asked Gazu ( Gaznafar )

"He says he gets strange dreams in night , he sees a lady getting killed while playing her piano ", said Kanishka.

"Oh , okay I will talk to..

"What's going on ?", interrupted the class teacher between our conversation.
"Nothing mam", said Kanishka.

"It's been five minutes I have entered into the class ", said the class teacher.

"Sorry mam", said Gazu.

"Well I should see to it this doesn't repeats ", said the calss teacher.

The teacher started talking the attendence. Every took out their books and placed them on the table.

"Sushanth?", said the teacher.

"Absent ", said Abhinav.

" is there something sushanth is hiding form me ?", Kanishka asked her self.

'Students, you will be taking up your GK exam on next Monday ', said the calss teacher.

Anny was talking with her friend turning. She was caught by the eyes of the teacher while she was talking.

"What's the matter ?", asked the teacher to anny.

"Matter ?, matter is anything that occupies space and has a mass", said Anny.

The class burst into laughter. The bel rang and the teacher walked out of the calss.

I came to school around 10:00Am after submitting a letter in the office. I entered into the class. My eyes directly went on Kanishka and she looked at me and gave a smile. I walked straight and sat next to Abhinav. My left hand was covered with bandage.

During the lunch break I was sitting with my friends and chatting.

"What's wrong with your hand ?", interrupted Kanishka.

I came out of my place so that I could talk to kanishka comfortably.

"Nothing serious, just got a little hurt ", I said.

" is it?", she asked.

"Yeah ", I said.

"And yeah we have our GK exam on the upcoming Monday ", said Kanishka

"Thanks for the news ", I said giving her a sweet smile.

Hey guys I'm sure your are enjoying the story.

What is happening with sushanth?
Who actually presented the Ouija board to him ?
Who scratched his hands last night ?

You will get your Answers as your read futher. Happy spooky reading :)

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