Chapter Five: Redstone Heist, part two

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Cleo Dinh's green suitcase rumbled on the concrete behind her as she walked toward the dorms. She tilted her head back and smiled happily at the cloud-studded sky. The sun was setting, causing beautiful shades of pink, orange, and purple to paint the clouds. Cleo breathed in the sweet air of her new home and let out a small squeak of excitement. This was fantastic! She was finally free from the stress of taking care of her four younger siblings back home; and she could finally practice gymnastics without her lawyer parents' daily reminder of how disappointed they were in her lack of perfect intellect. Not to mention, she had seen another teen with a suitcase as well, so she wasn't the only new kid! Could this day get any better?

Cleo glanced down at the key she held cradled in her palm. A small number 3 glimmered on its face in the dimming light of the sun. Her dorm number was lucky too! How awesome was that?

Cleo closed her fingers around the key and sighed happily, not noticing the blonde haired boy standing in her path.

"Hey! Careful!"

She was jolted out of her happy thoughts by the teen's voice in front of her. She stopped in her tracks.

"You almost hit me there!" said the boy, blue eyes sparkling with amusement. His blonde hair stuck up in a few places, even though it was tied back with a black bandana of sorts. He spoke with a Bristol-type accent.

"Oh, sorry! I'm new here. The name's Cleo, by the way." She blushed, embarrassed at her own foolishness.

The boy smiled at her. "Martyn. It's great to meet you, Cleo. Need help with anything?"

"Um ... nope. I don't think so!" She pointed to the long, low building down the path behind Martyn. "Those are the dorms, right?"

"Yep. You got it. What's your dorm number?" The teen tilted his head to the side curiously.

"I'm in 3."

"Oh, you'll be staying with Lomadia, then! Don't worry. She's really nice."

Cleo's smile grew wider. "Thanks, Martyn. I'd, er, better go."

"See you around, Cleo."

Martyn stepped to the side to allow her to pass. Cleo gripped the handle of her suitcase and started forward again, giving a small wave to Martyn as she made her way into the dorm building.


Cleo couldn't sleep.

Maybe it was the thrill of being in a new place, or the strange lack of small noises made by siblings in the adjacent rooms. Whatever the circumstance, she simply wasn't tired. At all.

She rolled over for what must have been the hundredth time, glancing at Lomadia. Her roommate was asleep, back facing her, gentle snoring drifting from her side.

Finally, fed up with playing the waiting game, Cleo sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and onto the floor. She certainly wasn't sleeping, so she might as well take a walk.


Vechs cursed under his breath, taking off his shades and exasperatedly rubbing his tired eyes with his thumb and forefinger. After a moment, he pushed them back onto his face and stood up out of the desk chair. He reached down and grabbed his black jacket off of the back of the chair and shrugged into it. Teep gave him an odd look as he headed for the door, but he didn't notice.

The teen was too preoccupied with running the redstone schematic through his mind again to care; as he headed towards the only place on campus that he knew would have redstone- the science lab.

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