Act 25: Showtime!

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To see Lovino return Antonio's affection was a surprise to everyone else, but they kept those comments to themselves. They all knew it was a good match. Alfred even admitted to shipping them. Antonio asked how he got the enough postage for that, but that was a culture barrier.

This oddity was quickly overshadowed though.

The timer was down to minutes and Gilbert's concealed systematic nature was out in full force. As was Ludwig's. While nerves ate at the rest of them. Consequently, all equipment was checked and double checked. Everyone took additional steps to ensure that no mishaps would arise.

Today would make or break this circus.

Now in his traje de luces, Antonio kept watch over Cachorro behind the tent. He was the finale but experience told them not to leave animals unattended.

"Hola, mi amor," Antonio greeted, giving Lovino a kiss on the cheek as he approached.

This time he leaned into Antonio.

"Ready for the show?"

Lovino shrugged. "I guess."

Antonio chuckled and slipped an arm around Lovino's waist.

"Why so nervous? You will do fine, Lovi."

Lovino rested his head on Antonio's shoulder. "I'm not the one fighting a bull, idiota."

Antonio grinned. "Es somebody worried about me?"

Lovino's head snapped up.

"Is somebody going to shut-a up?"

Antonio laughed and gave him a kiss on that foul mouth.

"I will be fine. We worked hard. If we just do as practiced, everything should be fine."

Lovino grumbled as he looked at his feet. "I can't lose you after I just got you."

Antonio didn't think he'd seen anything cuter than Lovino's embarrassed worried face and he smothered him with a hug that made him yelp.

"Don't-a kill me, bastard!"

Antonio didn't move.

"You'll live."

Lovino sighed, resigning to hug him back. Feeling this, Antonio hummed and squeezed him tighter.

"Not-a your boyfriend, huh?"

The two looked up.

"Señor Vargas!" Antonio jumped back. "We were-I just-!"

"I changed my mind. Got-a problem with that, grandpa?"

The elder Vargas gave them a stern look before a soft smile broke out across his features.

"I'm so happy for you!" He rushed forward to crush Lovino in a hug. "My boys are in love! First-a Feli, now mio Lovi-Of course, Feli didn't-a make me wait-a all these years-."

"What are you doing here, nonno?" Lovino grumbled, futilely trying to escape his grandfather's grip before having to signal Antonio to help pry him free.

"I wanted to check on my grandsons, but-a you seem to be just-a fine," said Romulus with a grin that Lovino would have taken great pleasure in knocking off if not for a sharp whistle calling their attention to the tent's opening.

"Lovino, jou're on deck," Gilbert called before ducking back into the tent.

Lovino groaned as he heard the distant calliope music calling everyone inside.

"I've got to go. And you need to get to your seat. The show is starting."

He pushed his grandfather toward where their guests were gathering and Romulus laughed at his tomato colored descendent.

"Okay, I'll go," he said, striding away before calling over his shoulder, "Make sure you hug Feli for me!"

Lovino groaned before turning back to Antonio. He grabbed him by the arm and pulled him over for a kiss that left him a bit stunned.

"You better come back alive, because I'm not dealing with him." He nodded toward his grandfather. "Alone."

The surprise wore off enough for Antonio to smile.

"I'll try my best."

"Good." Lovino started to leave but turned to the bull munching part of a hay bale. "Y tú, bastardo bovinos. Si lo matas, serás el cuero en mi Ferrari."

He made a slash sign across his throat then hurried back in the tent. He threw his costume on in a rush and met Feliciano backstage. They stood by the gate, watching Yao and Elizabeta swing from the ceiling. He glanced at his brother and he glanced back.

"Nonno knows."

Feliciano turned to look at him but Lovino continued to stare out at the ring. He waited for an explanation but Lovino just shrugged.

"He's fine."

"Oh." Feliciano looked back out at the ring. "I thought he would be."



Feliciano looked over but was squashed with a hug.

"Nonno told me to," mumbled Lovino into Feliciano's neck.

Feliciano chuckled and wrapped his arms around his brother.

"Whatever you say, fratello."

A roar of applause broke out in the arena, signaling that the acrobats were done and Ludwig was up. He would hold a bar above his head and Elizabeta and Yao would descend upon it and he would suspend them both effortlessly.

After juggling a few tires, a trick testing both his strength and coordination, Feliciano and Lovino would roll out. Their frail physique and small size comedically illustrated Ludwig's muscle. The act would end with Ludwig heaving the haphazard clowns over his shoulders and carrying them out of the ring.

Gilbert would then return to introduce the "fearsome" bears entering with their trainers from both ends of the arena. They walked in side by side with their bears, without leads or muzzles, each trainer's suit in the opposite color of their bear.

While their act often had a comical spin, this time they focused on thrill, showcasing how free and untamed the animals were. This point was made clear when Matthew goaded a surprisingly powerful roar from Kumajiro, baring a mouth that had never been defanged.

As entranced as the audience was, nobody noticed the bears leave when rose petals rained upon them. None of the circus' crew knew how Francis had rigged that up but it was an impressive addition. The only thing that drew the audience's attention back was the small explosion in the middle of the ring where Francis appeared.

"Bonsoir et bienvenue!"

Francis refused to use Italian or any other language in his act but the crowd didn't need to understand. They were on the edge of their seats when doves appeared out of popped balloons. He gathered them into a cage and covered it. To the guests' horror, it burst into flames but then Jeanne appeared in its place.

There was great applause and then... BANG.

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