Act 10: German Family Feels

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A/N Now back to your regularly scheduled programing.

There was an awkward silence after Arthur realized that Alfred would be joining them. Matthew wondered if they were fighting and he had made a mistake inviting Alfred. But Alfred couldn't stay quiet for long.

"You don't know panic until you've seen Matthew run out of maple syrup." Alfred taunted, so Matthew teased him back.

"Yeah, well, Alfred shaves his underarms."

"I lived in Los Angeles. If you weren't tan, hairless, and weighed at least ten pounds less than what was healthy, no one would even look at you."

"You just did it to fit in at those clubs. You should have seen these clubs that Alfred took me to. You would never have seen something like that in Quebec, that's for sure."

"Maybe so, but they got you out of the closet, right, Matt? You guys should have seen it. He just stared with this shocked look on his face and announced, 'Al, I think I'm gay.'" Alfred said before bursting out laughing.

"I didn't know I liked men. It was a shock!"

"How did you not know? You can't say those French babes do nothing for you and not be gay."

"Vell, I'm glad jou are." said Gilbert, putting an arm around Matthew. "Because then you let me do this."

Alfred looked back at the intense snogging in the backseat and gagged.

"Get a room!"

"Nein! I'm kissing Birdie and you can't stop me!" Said Gilbert, pulling Matthew closer.

"Don't make me come back there!"

Matthew pulled away chuckling. "I think he means it, Gil."

"Aw, boo."

Matthew kissed his nose and settled into his arms, resting his head on his shoulder.

The car parked and Arthur cut the engine.

"Now, behave yourselves." He said, getting out of the car. "This is a straight bar and I don't need you three starting a barney."

"Barney is coming?" Alfred asked eagerly, stepping out of the car.

Matthew facepalmed, following Gilbert through the parking lot. "What aboot the context of that sentence implied that there would be a large purple dinosaur in there?"

Arthur held the door open for them and Alfred shrugged. "A guy could hope."

"That thing was as creepy as hell." said Matthew, following them inside.

Although Matthew enjoyed a good Canadian whiskey his go to drink was beer. Same for Alfred and Gilbert. Arthur would always go for scotch or whiskey, but rather than be the odd man out he ordered the same. After about a half hour of drinking and bantering Alfred let out a loud gasp.

"They. Have. Pacman." He grabbed Arthur's hand as he jumped to his feet. "Come on, Artie, watch me kick some Euro butt!"

"I'm European, you sod." Arthur said as Alfred dragged him away to the arcade game at the other end of the bar.

With the Anglos gone Matthew looked over at Gilbert, who he was surprised to have not heard say "awesome" all night.

"Is something wrong, Gil?" He said, taking Gilbert's hand under the table.

"I'm fine, Mattie. Don't vorry." He gave Matthew's hand a reassuring squeeze, but Matthew raised a disbelieving eyebrow, so Gilbert sighed. "I don't know. It's just veird being an older brother. One day they are following jou around saying they vant to be just like jou, und then the next day they tower over jou. They don't need jour help with anything, und jou're just left vondering... vhen jou stopped being important in their lives."

Matthew watched him for a moment. He'd never seen him this down before.

"It's not that you aren't important in Ludwig's life." Matthew tried to reassure him. "From what Feliciano's told me, I know he cares a lot aboot you. He just has a hard time showing affection."

Gilbert stared down at his beer. "I guess it's mein own fault then. I vas never good at showing him affection."

"You're very affectionate. You just need to figure out how to show it to Ludwig and he'll show it to you."

"Ja, but he is all big now. It vould be veird."

"It's not that weird. Age doesn't change the fact you're his brother and he looks to you for love and support."

Gilbert smiled. He wanted to kiss his boyfriend until his lips fell off, but he settled for a hug.

"Danke, Birdie. Jou're so smart and awesome." He was going to get close to Ludwig again, somehow. As the only family they had, they needed to stick together.

When Gilbert let him go, Matthew looked over at Alfred and their boss. Alfred had managed to get Arthur to play the video game. He was grumbling endlessly about it, but Alfred smiled at him with a loving expression. Then Alfred leaned over and pecked him on the cheek.

"Did you see that?"

"What?" Gilbert looked around but only saw Arthur beet red and chastising Alfred. "Looks like Alfred got Artie to play his game."

"Yeah." said Matthew, with a knowing smile. "I think those two have gotten pretty close."

After they arrived back home, Gilbert said good bye to Arthur and Alfred, and kissed Matthew good night before returning to his trailer.

"Kleiner Bruder, ich bin zu Hause!" Gilbert greeted, reverting back to German as he often did when addressing his brother alone.

"Hallo, Gilbert, I'm over here." said Ludwig, alerting him that he was at their table reading by himself.

"Did Feliciano go home?"

"Ja, about a half an hour ago." said Ludwig, checking his watch.

"Alright, well, I'm going to go to bed. Gute Nacht."

"Gute Nacht." said Ludwig, as Gilbert started to walk past, except he stopped when he was alongside Ludwig and kissed the top of his head, causing him to stiffen up a bit. "What was that for?"

"No reason. Can't I just show my baby brother that I love him?"

"I suppose." said Ludwig skeptically.

"Okay... good night, bruder." said Gilbert, climbing up to his bed, because the top bunk was more awesome, obviously.

"Ja, good night, großer Bruder."

Gilbert slid the curtain around his bed shut before burying his face in his pillow. This would take some getting used to.

A/N Hope you don't mind my BROTPs. I don't do incest, but there will be super fluffy bro time.    

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