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I tried to call Ash's phone many times but they went to voicemail. Danny knocked on my door a couple of times but he got the idea that I wanted to be alone when I ignored him and he stopped. I fell asleep and when I woke up I flew off of my bed. The TARDIS shook viciously and I had to hold on to the end of the bed to stop myself from moving. I risked running to the console room. I crashed against the walls and fell to the floor a few times before finally reaching the console room where Danny was holding onto the railings for dear life. "I didn't press anything!" He shouted over the rumble of the TARDIS as it landed sending me nearly flying to the floor again. "What happened?" I asked moving over to Danny to see if he was alright. "I stood outside your room for a while and I walked back here then the place started shaking." I hugged him without even thinking. What was coming over me?

I peeked out of the TARDIS door to see where we were. We were in space because I saw different space transports around us. It was like a parking area for space ships. A few soldiers approached the TARDIS so I locked the doors and listened to what they were saying. "The boss wants the girl. Lets force them out." A male said before there was banging on the doors and shouts. I stepped back went back to Danny at the console. "There's guards outside. We can't get out." I said in a panic. Whoever these people were, they wanted us and we weren't leaving easily. "Yes we can." Danny said. I was confused. "How exactly?" Danny pulled out a gun from him back pocket and pointed it at my head. I gasped but it was all a joke, wasn't it? "Danny, if this is some sick joke it isn't funny so stop." I shouted. He wouldn't put the gun down and his face got serious. "Go outside Anya or I'll shoot."
"Danny -"
"Move!" I was startled by the sudden shout so I did as I was told with my hands above my head.

The light corridors turned into dark ones with a very intimidating atmosphere. I was walking past a number of pods with people asleep in them. I got a good glance at the people and recognised them. I froze on the spot and tried to break the first pod open. The Doctor was asleep inside of it and wasn't waking up despite my shouts and the loud bangs on the glass. Danny grabbed my arms and pulled me back. He tried to hug me but I pushed him away. He had betrayed my trust. Instead, the two guards grabbed either one of my arms each and pulled me down the corridor. I recognised the other three people asleep in these containers. Clara, Ash and Gale. I kept my head straight as we went down the corridor.

At the end was a room with a chair in the middle of it and the only light was the one shining down on the chair. "Who's the lucky person?" I said sarcastically. It was kind of obvious who it was. Me. The guards were too strong and I was pushed into the chair and wired up. Two wires went into my arms and there was two wired up on either side of my head. Two males walked into the room but I couldn't make out who they were because the room was dark. The lights then turned on and I saw Xaviar and Kaden standing in front of me. I would have gone to punch him but my wrists and ankles had been held down. "Nice to see you again Anya." Xaviar said.
"I wish I could say the same to you." I said giving him the angriest look I could. He made me feel depressed, angry and worried because I believed that my familty was dead. "Now, now. I'm guessing you're wondering what's going on."
"Of course."

"I will still one day be the most powerful person in the universe and the last time I tried to do this you foiled my plan. Remember that? When I showed you them memories. I still need that information Anya."
"Stop right there because you are not getting anything out of me."
"I'm not quite sure about that." Something sharp had been injected into my arm and I looked down to see a needle going inside of my arm. My eyes started to fall and I caught one last glimpse of the pair before my head fell and I was asleep.

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