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Jack had to hold me back because I nearly punched Xaviar in the face. "Still fiesty I see." He said giving me an evil grin. "I'm only here for the kids. Just let the boys go. We've already got Ashlyn in our care so you have one less experiment to work on." I said back shaking Jack's hands off of my arms.

"Are you going to explain to me who this guy is?" Jack asked me.

"Xaviar. A rich man who has decided to make my life a misery. All he wants is the universe at the palms of his hands. I shot a bullet through his head and somehow he's alive again." 

"Thank you." Xaviar grinned again and pushed past me.

"So, how'd you survive?"

"Story for another time."

"Oh, it will be." I muttered. As he turned away I stunned Xaviar and he fell to the ground.

I watched the horror on Kaden's face as he thought that I'd killed Xaviar. I ran over to him and put my hands on his shoulders so he faced me. "Don't worry. He's only stunned. We can leave. I'll explain it all later." I said trying to get Kaden to move.

"No!" He shouted pushing my hands off his shoulders and standing up. "You're the woman who tried to hunt down my family for years and years. He said so!"

"And you believe him. He's been torchering your siblings for two years and you think he tells the truth? You don't know the real story!"

"And you do?"

"Yes I do! Out of all people, I do."

"How?" I couldn't tell him just yet. I needed to be prepared for this moment.

"It doesn't matter. Tell me where your brother is. I don't want to hurt any of you. I'm the good guy in this story. I'm here to take you home, your real home." Kaden thought for a moment. He didn't know what to believe but he finally gave in and took me to Gale.

Gale was being kept in a prison like room with four soldiers guarding it. We hid around a corner so we were out of sight. "How do we get there without being caught?" I asked hoping Jack had a brilliant idea that didn't involve shooting them and risking death. "I can get in there." Kaden said. He went around the corner before I could stop him and was allowed into the cell. I went to grab the stun gun out of my belt but it wasn't there and at that moment I heard men falling to the ground. Kaden stole it.

I ran to Gale's cell and saw him lying on the floor like he had been beaten up. I rushed to his side but he was unconcious. "Jack, can you do anything?" Jack looked confused but he didn't want to pick him up. I tried to wake him up but he was out cold. The regeneration energy hadn't fully worked yet and we had to be quick so I did what I had to do. As my hands glowed Jack tried to stop me but it was already too late. My regeneration energy started healing Gale and he woke up just as I finished. "Wait, you're a-" Kaden started to say but was interuppted by Gale's groaning. Me and Jack helped him up, put his arms around our shoulders and teleported out of there.

We arrived back at the Torchwood Hub in Jack's office where Ash was sitting waiting with a cup of tea. She instantly went to Gale's side as he was placed in the chair on the other side of the desk. I was confused when she ignored Kaden and gave him an evil look. If looks could kill he would have regenerated at least three times. "Kaden, come outside for a minute." I said ushering him outside of the office. He looked angry and had a look that could kill as well. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"No you're not. Why does your sister look at you like that?"

"You really want to know?" I nodded. "Xaviar offered us a way out of the experiments. It was to help destroy a planet that we found, a newly formed one where people had just started to pop up. He promiced that we would help him take over the universe and I took it. Gale and Ashlyn didn't and hated me from that moment. Xaviar taught me to hate you more and the people who were chasing us. And now you're here telling me that he was wrong after all he has done for me."

"You don't know what he's done. What he's done to me, to innocent people. You have no idea."

"And you know what's best for me? Do you know what Xaviar also told me? He told me that if I ever came across you, Anya, that I should kill you and your friend, the Doctor. Since your a Time Lord this is going to take a while." I moved backwards so my back was on the glass wall of Jack's office.

"Kaden, you've been brainwashed. You don't know what you're saying." That was when Kaden grabbed my neck and strangled me. He was too strong to get off and Jack had only just seen when Kaden stunned him with the gun he'd stolen from my belt. The Torchwood members had heard the loudness and had come rushing. Owen had to really pull Kaden off of me and I collapsed to my knees trying to catch my breath. Tears formed in my eyes over the fact that my own son, not knowing that he was, tried to kill me. I was helped into the office by Gwen, Owen and Ianto had to take Kaden down to the cells because he was going crazy and Tosh waited for Jack to wake up.

I had red marks around my neck but they would go away soon after. Gale looked better and Ash had her arm around him for comfort, although I think it was more for her comfort than his. "Is someone going to tell me what's going on?" Gale finally asked breaking the silence in the room.

"This was a rescue mission." I answered.

"Kaden didn't seem happy to be rescued, not like we really care." Ash said.

"He told me about that. I was actually starting to feel bad until... that." We went back to silence. When I thought the silence was beginning to feel great Gale started asking more questions. "What year is this?" He asked.

"2013. What year were you from?"

"So the same year then."

"Yeah." Jack woke up but was distracted by something Ianto had heard. Jack came running back to the office a few minutes afterwards. "Anya, we need you." He said.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Yeah, yeah. We need you." I sighed then followed him out of the office where an awkward man was standing by the entrance. "Hello Doctor." I smiled and he smiled back. I ran down the stairs and into his arms and he planted a kiss on my lips. "I've found them. Oh my god, we've got them back Doctor. Our kids."




I'm not that crazy, don't worry. I assumed that my choice for Gale was OTT but I needed an actor desperately so I chose (Drum roll please) Dylan O'Brien. In my opinion, it's OTT but I was getting a annoyed by the lack of an actor on the cast list and went with my vision, so to speak.

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