I Need A Break

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Ash's picture as I said last chapter ^^^


I shot upright like a bullet. I needed to find the Doctor. Hopefully he wasn't too far away. What was I thinking? He's the Doctor. Of course he had gone far. I checked the control room, the library, the pool. Anywhere and everywhere he could have been but he wasn't anywhere. Behind the blue doors was an adventure which I wasn't on. Instead of looking outside, I showered and changed out of my pajamas into a shirt and some jeans. I was surprised to see that Talia had given back my favorite leather jacket which I also slipped on.

By the time I got freshened up I heard the TARDIS doors open and the Doctor walk happily into the TARDIS. I ran to the console room but when I got there I stood behind him for a minute waiting for him to turn around but I got impatient. I had noticed that the Doctor's outfit had changed from a brown tweed jacket to a long purple one. "Long time, no see." I said. The Doctor quickly turned around and pulled me into a hug, twirling me around like I was a five year old. The jacket wasn't the only thing that had changed. He now had a matching bowtie."Thank goodness you're awake." He exclaimed with excitement after planting a kiss on my forehead. "Doctor I-" I was interrupted by the a woman's voice coming down one of the corridors. "So Doctor. Where to today?" She asked. The woman came into view and I realised who it was, no matter how confusing. Clara, the one who died in Victorian England ages ago. "Oh my." Clara said. I looked back and forth from Clara to the Doctor in confusion.

"How-" I was interrupted again but by the Doctor this time.

"Anya, I'll explain later." He whispered in my ear. "Yes, Anya is wide awake. Anya, Clara. Clara, Anya."

"Well, this is unexpected." I said and stormed back to my room, brushing past Clara.

I heard the Doctor's running footsteps behind me. I entered my room and tried to find a decent bag for packing. "What was that all about?" The Doctor asked as I whizzed about my room gathering my stuff. "I've been asleep for weeks. In that time you could have done useful things. Not stuff like dishes and boring things. I mean looking for the triplets or tracking down who employed Talia to kill us. I've done more in my head than you." I hissed at him. The Doctor looked down at the floor then back up to me. "Anya, I've tried. I really have but I got distracted. I found Clara, a modern day Clara just like the one who died. Too many things have been happening it's hard to juggle them all. First the babies go, then Clara dies, you nearly die and go into a three or four week coma and then I find an impossible woman in modern day England." I didn't turn to face him or anything. "Where are you going Anya?"

"Away. I got tired of doing nothing but watch you sit around and sulk all the time but now you've got a new friend and you're focusing more on her than our family and I just need a break from all this!" I finished packing and pushed past the Doctor.

Back at the console room I typed in the co-ordinates to where I needed to go and waited. In the time the Doctor was sulking I read up on how to fly a TARDIS. I knew the basics but I never finished the whole thing. The Doctor had joined me and tried to stop me from leaving but I had made up my mind. "I'm going to do more than sit around and wait for a miracle. You can fly away with Clara but don't involve me until I feel that everything is okay." I shouted. Clara was about to enter but had backed up when I started shouting. "How are you even going to find them? They could be anywhere." The Doctor said.

"When I was in my coma I had a nightmare. It showed the future or a possible future of our kids being experimented on because they have regeneration energy. I need to find them before it comes true." The Doctor's eyes opened widely at the mention of experimentation. The TARDIS landed and I tried to walk out the doors when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "We can find them together Anya. Please don't leave, I've only just got you back.This is what happened when you last regenerated and it took me a year to find you. Please don't do this again." He was close to tears but held them back pretty well. "I will be back in time. Just let me go, okay." So he did and I walked out of the doors leaving the TARDIS behind me. I got out my phone and dialed the number I needed. "Hello, Captain Jack Harkness." He said.

"Jack, it's Anya. I need your help."

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