The Nasty Way To Travel

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I don't have anyone to play Gale, I can't find anyone that fits my vision without it being too OTT. Sorry.


Ianto let me into the Torchwood Hub and I walked in to see Jack already waiting for me. He hugged me and led me up to his office. "What seems to be the problem this time?" Jack asked as he sat down on the opposite side of the desk. "Well," I started. "I've been recently pregnant with three kids."


"Yeah. There's only one slight problem."

"Which would be?"

"They were kidnapped and I have no idea where they are but I know at the same time-"

"Calm down. So, you want us to help?"

"If it's no trouble."

"That's why we're here. To search for aliens and to help fight them."

We walked out of the office and told Tosh the situation. She scanned Earth's satilittes for any strange activity. Some things showed up but they were only small blips. "I do know that they must be on some sort of medical or experimentation ship or something big that looks like a rich person owned it." I said. I knew it was brief but it was the best  I had. Something showed up on the screen and we took a closer look. A ship of the same description showed up. Tosh scanned the ship and got all the information she could onto the screen. "Owned by an unknown rich guy. Used for luxury but signs of suspicious goods being transported to it." Jack said reading off the screen. "Looks like some sort of space hospital or something but it's the best we have. Shall we check this puppy out Anya?" I looked at Jack confused. With no TARDIS how were we supposed to get there?

I followed Jack back to his office where he opened a drawer and pulled out something that he placed on his wrist and two earpieces. "Vortex Manipulator. Quick but nasty way to time travel. Are you ready?" He asked. I dropped my bag of things on the floor and held his arm which he held out to type in the co-ordinates. We got on the ship and my whole head hurt like hell. Jack was right, quick but nasty. The ship was quiet except for the sounds of the engines. We heard some voices and hid behind a wall as some scientists walked past us letting us search the ship. There was nothing much to be seen until we saw a 'Scientists Only. Top Secret Experiments Lab' sign on a metal door. Despite what the sign said, me and Jack opened the door.

The place was empty but Jack got his gun out just incase anyone popped out. Around us were desks with different sciency things on them and documents. "I'll go one way, you go the other. Keep in touch with the earpieces. Oh, and you might want to use this." Jack said and threw me a small gun. "Don't worry. It's on stun." I guess he could tell how worried I was when I thought it was a gun loaded with bullets. We went our separate ways.

I heard faint voices and sobbing coming from around the corner. A scientist came out of the room where the sobbing came from and walked towards me. I stunned him when he got closer and walked to the room. On the door it had the words, 'Experiment 1'.  I opened the door slightly and peeked inside. A girl was lying on her bed crying. She clutched her left arm in her right like she had hurt it. I opened the door more. The girl had brown hair and I realised that she was the girl in my dreams. My daughter.

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