A Dead Face

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Ash turned her head to the door after seeing it open out of the corner of her eye. "I know you mean to experiment but you don't need to spy on me in the most obvious way possible!" She shouted stomping to the door to open it fully. Her eyes widened when she didn't see a scientist. "Who are you? You're not one of them." I stood there frozen for a second but tried to answer her question.

"It's a bit hard to explain at the moment but long story short, I'm here to get you out. My name's Anya." I said coming into her room and closing the door when I heard footsteps. "We don't have much time. Tell me where your brothers are. We need to be fast."

"Gale is in another corridor and Kaden..." She seemed hurt by the name and another tear ran down her face. I couldn't help but pull her into a hug. I held her until the door opened. "Who are yo-" The scientist at the door was interrupted by my stun gun hitting him in the chest. "Stun gun. Does the job without a drop of blood spilt." I laughed softly to myself then went back to talking to Ash. "Can you lead me to Gale?" She nodded and, after pulling the body into the room, we went to find my son.

I kept looking at Ash as we were walking around the corridors. She looked no older than 20 which was two years younger than my Earth age. This was going to be awkward to explain. I nearly stunned Jack when we crashed into each other. "Have you found Gale? Kaden?" I asked frantically. All I wanted way to get out of that place with my kids. "No. I searched the whole place." Jack answered. Ash was confused but knew what I was going to say. "A bit hard to explain still?" She asked with a smile. I laughed with her but came back to being serious when Jack coughed to get my attention and to indicate that we should keep searching.

Nothing. Absolutely no sign of Gale. We had run around for about ten minutes and my legs were getting tired. We stopped for breath so I sat on the floor with tears brimming in my eyes. I held them back when Ash came and sat next to me. "Is it time to explain yet?" She asked. I sighed.

"We found your spaceship back on Earth. Me and Jack got here in order to rescue you. He works for an organisation called Torchwood. I'm a traveller but I help people in need and fight aliens. Quite a fun life actually." I explained. "What's your story?"

"Why would you be asking if you know who I am?"

"I've only been sent here on a rescue mission. I haven't had all the details."

"Gale, Kaden and I were taken here as babies. For eighteen years we were going back and forth from Earth to the ship in order to hide from these people. We were never told who. We went to an Earth school to learn and then on our eighteenth birthday we were told that we had to take part in an experiment. It's been two years. Now we know that we have powers that allow us to heal ourselves which was the purpose of the experiments. To test us." My tears finally escaped and ran down my face. "Who is this man?" I demanded to know the answer. She was interuppted by Jack running down the corridor telling us that soldiers were on the way. We joined him in running out of the restricted area and round a corner where they went straight past us. "Jack, take Ashlyn back to Torchwood. I'll look for the others." Jack was about to protest but I stopped him. "It's too dangerous for her. I'll be fine but come straight back." I ran off and they disappeared.

I spent ages walking around, hiding and trying to find Gale and Kaden. I had nearly given up a couple of times. It wasn't until I heard a couple of cries that I changed my aim. I went towards where the cries  came from but froze when I saw soldiers pulling Jack into a room. The soldiers saw me and two more came after me. I failed after trying to stun them so I ran. Again, I failed and both my arms were grabbed and I was pulled backwards by the soldiers to the room Jack was in.

The room was big, it almost looked familiar. There was a chair in the middle of the room with a hat of some sort sitting next to it on a transparent table. The soldiers left us in the quiet empty room. The doors were locked on both sides of the room. If we did try to leave we would get shot by the soldiers guarding them. We just stood awkwardly at the end of the room leaning on the wall until the door on the other side of the room opened and my blood boiled. Xaviar stood holding Kaden's shoulder and leading him into the room. 

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