Chapter Six~ Katelyn and Aphmau

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Travis glanced at Katelyn.
"Do you want me to?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm going to have to face her sooner or later." Katelyn replied. Travis pulled over on the side and waited for Zane to do the same. Zane pulled over, and both engines came to a stop. Zane and Aphmau got out of the car. Travis got out, walked around to Katelyn's side, and opened the door for her. He held out his hand as she grabbed it to pull herself out. She shut her door as Travis opened the backseat to get het crutches and hand them to Katelyn. Travis and Katelyn walked over to Aphmau and Zane.
"Hey," Aphmau said. "I haven't seen you in three weeks!"
"It's nice to see you!" Katelyn said.
"Katelyn," Aphmau started. "I need to ask you about something."
"I know," Katelyn said. "If you want, we can go to my house and talk."
"Okay, meet there?" Aphmau said.
"Yeah." Katelyn replied.
Katelyn turned to Travis.
"I need to head home for a bit," Katelyn said.
"Okay," Travis said.
Travis put Katelyn's crutches in the backseat. He opened her door, walked back over to her and picked her up. He set her down in the front seat and walked around to his side. He started the car and started driving to Katelyn's house.
"Now I'm a hundred percent sure they were staring at us," Katelyn said.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure too." Travis replied.
They stopped at a red light.
"Wow," Katelyn said. "It's only 1:47 PM."
"Wow," Travis replied. "Already feels like 7:00 PM."
"Yeah," Katelyn said.
"We can watch anime when Aphmau leaves, if you want to?" Travis said.
"Sure." She said. "Attack On Titan?"
"Absolutely." He said.
The light turned green. They started driving toward the neighborhood.  There was a silence. Same thing as earlier. No reason, just no conversation. The silence broke when her ringtone went off.
"Baby you light up my world like nobody el-"
Katelyn quickly turned it off.
"Did Aphmau exactly tell you what she wanted to talk to you about?" Travis asked.
"No," she replied. "But I'm pretty sure I know."
"Me too," he said.
They turned on to their street.
"If they all saw it, Is Aaron going to show up, too?" Travis asked.
"I don't know," Katelyn said. They pulled into Katelyn's driveway. Travis parked the car. He got out, helped Katelyn out, and handed her the crutches. He went ahead of her to open the door and came back for her. He put one arm under her knees and the other behind her chest, and cradle-carried her up the stairs. He set her down at the top. Travis handed Katelyn the keys. Katelyn started to unlock the door before she was startled by an engine.
Aphmau was in the driveway with Zane and Aaron.
Zane and Aaron both got out. Zane opened Aphmau's door as she stepped out, and they all walked to Katelyn and Travis.
Katelyn finished unlocking the door and everyone walked in. Katelyn sat down on the couch, and motioned for everyone else to do the same.
"What is it, Aphmau?" Katelyn asked.
"It's about the other night." Aphmau replied. "And I think you know exactly what we're talking about."
"So, can we um, get to the point?" Katelyn asked.
"We saw you and Travis, um-" Zane started.
"I know." Katelyn finished. "What about us?" 
"Well-" Aphmau started. "Why don't you explain, Aaron?"
"Um-" Aaron began.
"Are you dating?" Zane interupted.
"Why does it matter?" Travis asked.
"So, you are?" Aaron said.
"Ye-" Katelyn started. "No. What you saw, was, umm-"
"You two are dating!!!!" Aphmau squeaked.
"So?" Katelyn replied. "I can date who I want."
"I know but I thought you didn't like Travis?" Aphmau said.
"Well," Katelyn said. "Things change. And besides, I've liked other people for a while before I liked Travis."
"Like who?" Aphmau asked, suspiciously.
"Aaro-" she started, cutting herself off.
"Ok, I'm one hundred percent sure that you were not about to say who I think you were." Aphmau said, with tension in her voice.
Katelyn froze.
Aaron was just staring at her. Katelyn was bright red. Aaron kept switching views from Katelyn to Aphmau.
Aphmau had a vein that looked like it was about to Jump out of her forehead.
"HOW COULD YOU LIKE AARON?!?!" Aphmau yelled.
"I DON'T KNOW!!!" Katelyn yelled back. Katelyn took a deep breath to calm herself. "Why does it matter, anyway? You got married."
"It just does!" Aphmau replied a little more calm.
"OK, did you come here to yell at her or talk to her?" Travis asked, defending Katelyn.
"Never mind!" Aphmau said. "I'm leaving."
Zane got up and followed Aphmau out.
"Feel free to let the door hit you!" Katelyn said.
Aaron was still there, looking at Katelyn. Katelyn was still red.
"I'm gonna head out," Aaron said. "Catch you later."
Aaron walked out.
"I can't believe what just happened," Katelyn said, tears in her voice. She sniffled, wiped her eyes, and stared at the door. Travis put his arm around Katelyn and pulled her close. He looked into her eyes.
"It's going to be OK, Katelyn." Travis said.

Travis and Katelyn~Book One~Something NewWhere stories live. Discover now