Chapter Three~Insomnia

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Katelyn was lying down on the couch, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep. All she could do was think about Travis. The way she kissed him, the way he was so caring, and the feelings that rushed into her when she was with him. She was full of emotions. She awoke from her daze when she heard someone coming down the stairs.
"Who's there?" Katelyn asked.
"It's just me," Travis replied. "Did I wake you?"
"No," Katelyn replied. "I have just been staring at the ceiling. I often have problems sleeping."
Travis sat behind her on the couch.
"Do you wanna watch Netflix with me until you fall asleep?" Travis asked.
"Sure." Katelyn replied.
Travis turned on Netflix and put his arm around Katelyn. Katelyn cuddled up to Travis as they watched Pretty Little Liars.
"Hey Katelyn?" Travis asked. Travis looked over to find Katelyn asleep on his chest. He could feel her stomach moving up and down as she breathed. He took one last glance at Katelyn, kissed her on the forehead, and went to sleep. Hours passed, and morning eventually came. Katelyn woke up, still cuddled to Travis. She got up slowly, trying not to wake Travis. She completely forgot about her ankle and walked. It hurt. Really bad.
"Agh," she flinched.
"Are you ok?" Travis asked, making her jump.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"I'm sorry too, for waking you up. Apparently the crutches work alot better when you remember to use them." Katelyn replied. "I'm going to head home, do you want to come with me?" Katelyn asked.
"Sure." Travis replied. Katelyn used her crutches and walked out the door. She looked at the stairs, trying to figure out a way to get down.
"Here," Travis said, as he grabbed her crutches and set them aside. He leaned down for Katelyn to jump on his back, as he carried her down the stairs. Once they got down the stairs, he set her down and handed her her crutches. They started walking toward the street. As the reached the end of the lawn, she heard a car.

Travis and Katelyn~Book One~Something NewWhere stories live. Discover now