Chapter two~ Katelyn and Travis

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The engine went silent, and a car door opened. It was Zane. He stepped out and walked around to the mother side of car. He opened the ppassenger seat door, and there was Aphmau. She stepped out, as Zane closed the door behind her. He held out his hand as she grabbed it, and they walked up to the door. Zane rang the doorbell, as Aphmau stood staring at the door. Travis and Katelyn hid behind a trashcan in the driveway to see Aaron's reaction. The door opened, and there was a silence.
"Hi Aaron," Aphmau said. "It's nice to see you again."
"H-Hi" Aaron said.
"Hello, Aaron," Zane said.
"Wha-" Katelyn started.
"Shhhhh!" Travis said. "They'll hear us!"
"Sorry," Katelyn said. "They will definitely see us, this trash can isn't big enough to cover two people."
Travis moved a little bit and put Katelyn in his lap.
"Now we don't take extra width," he said. "We should wait until they go in to knock in the door so they don't see us come out from behind a trash can."
"Okay."  She said. She felt extremely uncomfortable because she had never been this close to Travis, other than the time she kissed him at the Anime Con. Katelyn turned around to see Travis. They looked eachother in the eyes, for a long time that only seemed like fifteen seconds. She was getting lost in his eyes, like she could see the future. She could see getting married to Travis, she could see having a family with Travis, and all she wanted, which was just Travis. She had completely forgotten about Aaron. She just wanted Travis. She knew from the beginning, but now, she knew it more than ever.
"Ka-" Travis started.
Katelyn held his face, brushed some hair out of his eyes, and kissed him. Travis blushed, and couldn't believe it. After a few moments had passed, Katelyn slowly pulled back. Katelyn stared at him, completely blank on why she had done that. She blushed, and had mixed emotions. She had no idea how she felt- Embarrased, Angry at herself for moving so quickly, or Happy- that he didn't pull back first. Katelyn stood up.
"Katelyn," Travis said. "I-"
"I'm sorry." Katelyn said. She ran across the street and started running toward her house. She looked back one time, and saw Travis. He was looking her in the eyes. She kept on running. Travis started running after her.
She turned to face him.
"Please Katelyn, Don't run away." He said. There's something I need to tell you."
Katelyn kept looking into his eyes.
"I love you, Katelyn."
"I love you too, Travis."
Travis came close to Katelyn. Their faces were super close, and she could feel her eyelashes move every time he exhaled. He looked her in her eyes. He didn't want to be anywhere else. Only right where he was, in the middle of the street, with Katelyn.
"Travis I-" she began. He leaned in and kissed her. She felt amazing. Finally being able to be with Travis, without any pressure and without anyone knowing. This was their secret. She pulled back to breathe for about half a second, and started kissing him again. She pulled back after about five minutes.
"Please, Travis. You can't tell anyone." Katelyn said.
"I promise," Travis said. "I would do anything for
Katelyn turned around to see Aaron, Aphmau, and Zane looking out the window, Jaws dropped.
Katelyn turned bright red.
"Oh My Irene." Katelyn whimpered. "Travis, I have to go."
"I understand, I'll deal with them. Do you want me to walk you home?" Travis asked.
"Sure." Katelyn replied, as it started raining.
It started raining harder, as it was already pitch black outside. Travis took off his jacket.'
"Here," he said, as he held it over her like an umbrella.
"Travis-" she started.
"It's ok." He said.
As katelyn was walking, she slipped tripped on a rock, fell, and hit the road.
"Owwww!" Katelyn screeched.
"Oh my God, Katelyn, are you ok?" Travis asked, worried.
"No, I'm not! I can't walk!" Katelyn exclaimed.
Travis grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Next he bent down, put one hand under her knees, the other behind her chest, and picked her up. He kept walking, but instead to his house.
"Trust me," He said. "I may be able to help with your ankle.
"Ok." She replied.
He approached the door. He rang the bell, and waited. Garroth opened the door, wide eyed.
"Why is Katelyn here?" Garroth asked.
"She's hurt. Get Laurence and meet me in the living room." Travis said.
Travis laid Katelyn down on the couch and propped her leg up with a pillow.
"What's wrong?" Laurence asked, as he was walking down the stairs.
"Katelyn hurt her ankle," Travis said. "She can't walk. Do you still have your boot from when you broke your ankle, Laurence?"
"Yes. It's in the basement." Laurence said.
"Can you please go get it?" Travis asked.
"Yeah. I will be right back." Laurence replied. Laurence opened the basement door and ran down the stairs.
"I will be back in about five minutes." Garroth said.
Laurence came back with a medical boot, bandage wrap, and his old crutches.
"Here," Laurence said, as he started to wrap her ankle.
"Thanks, Laurence." Katelyn said.
"You're welcome," Laurence replied. "Glad I could help." Once he had wrapped her ankle, he grabbed the boot. "This might hurt just a little bit." Laurence said.
He held her ankle and slid it into the boot, bending it to slide it into the heel.
Katelyn flinched.
"There," Laurence said, strapping it tight.
"I promise I will return it as soon as my ankle-" Katelyn started.
"It's fine," Laurence said. "You can keep it."
"Thank you." Katelyn replied. "I will head home."
"It's ok," Travis said. "You can sleep here if you want."
"Thanks Travis." Katelyn said.
I can't believe I was even considering Aaron, she thought. I always knew Travis was the one.

Travis and Katelyn~Book One~Something NewWhere stories live. Discover now