Chapter Five~Lunch with Travis

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Travis got out of the car. He walked around to Katelyn's side of the car. He opened the door, held her hand and helped her out. As she shut her door, he opened the backseat to get her crutches. Nicole got out of her car. She walked over to Katelyn.
"Ka-" Nicole started. Katelyn backhanded her across the face before she could finish.
"What was that for?!?!?" Nicole screamed.
"YOU ALMOST RAN ME OVER!!!!!" Katelyn screamed back.
"Oh yeah, I did do that didn't I?" Nicole asked sarcastically.
"Why are you here?!?" Katelyn asked.
"So what?" Nicole started. "Just because you hate me I can't go on a date with my boyfriend?"
"You mean you're not leaving?" Katelyn asked.
"Nope!" Nicole replied. "Of course, you and Travis could just leave."
"Don't be mad just because I'm here with a REAL gentlemen!" Katelyn snapped.
"Excuse me?!?" Nicole asked, angrilly. "Travis only looked at your butt for about three years now?"
"And I didn't see Dante helping you when you broke your arm last month?" Katelyn asked.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Nicole replied.
"Travis picked me up when I broke my ankle. I actually slept over at his house last night." Katelyn said.
"So?" Nicole started. "Just means you're a who-"
Katelyn backhanded her again.
"I SLEPT ON THE COUCH!" Katelyn screamed.
"Probably with Travis!" Nicole replied.
"I did not!" Katelyn yelled.
"Whatever," Nicole replied, as she grabbed Dante's hand and walked into the restraunt.
"I don't understand why girls fight like that." Travis said.
"It's because one's always dumb enough to provoke another into a fight and then wonders why she gets slapped." Katelyn said.
"Uh, Okay?" Travis said. "Well we can still enjoy lunch!"
"Yeah, I guess your right." Katelyn replied. "My Irene, they're both so evil I'm suprised people don't hear the Team Rocket Motto every single time they enter a room."
"You know know that I think about that, That actually makes sense," Travis laughed. Katelyn started laughing too. Travis kissed Katelyn on the cheek as they both started walking toward the restraunt. Travis opened the door for her as Katelyn walked through.
"Hi, Welcome to Sheu'Pai's!" The hostess said. "Table for two?"
"Yes," Travis replied. As they followed the hostess to the table, Katelyn couldn't help but stare at Nicole and Dante. All she could think about was Nicole. All the good times they had together, and now they're sworn enemies. What happened? Katelyn was awoken from her daydream when Travis waved his hand in front of her.
"Is anyone home?" Travis asked, jokingly.
"Uh, yeah," Katelyn said. "Sorry, just got caught up in thought."
"What's going on?" Travis asked. "You can talk to me."
"I-" Katelyn started, before she was interupted by the waitress.
"What can I get you two to drink?" She asked.
"Do you have Coke or Pepsi products?" Katelyn asked.
"Pepsi." She replied.
"A Dr Pepper for me then, please." Katelyn replied.
"And for you?" She asked, looking at Travis.
"Same," he replied.
"Ok! I will be right back!" She said.
"Anyway," Katelyn said. "It's just hard knowing me and Nicole aren't friends anymore."
"I'm sorry," He said. "I don't know much about that kind of stuff but I can still try to make you feel better."
"Thanks, Travis." Katelyn said.
The waitress came back with the drinks. She set them down on the table.
"May I take your order?" She asked.
"Umm, I'll just get the Fettucini," Katelyn said.
"And for you?" She asked Travis.
"The bacon cheese burger," He said.
"Okay!" She said. "I will have those right out to you!"
"Wow," Katelyn said. "Is it even possible for somone to be that perky?"
"Probably with drugs or something." Travis said.
"Travis!" Katelyn exclaimed, laughing as she playfully pushed him. "Don't say that! At least, not until she's far enough to where she can't hear you!" She laughed. Travis couldn't help but laugh as well.
Once Katelyn finally caught her breath, she looked over to her right to see Nicole and Dante. They were making out. Like usual. She looked away.
"My Irene," Katelyn said. "I might puke before the food gets here!"
"You're not alone!" Travis laughed. He was looking at Katelyn, How he loved her beautiful smile. The smile that lit up every room she walked into. He was staring into eyes, she looked up. She looked at him for what felt like forever. His eyes, his smile, his hair, and just him in general. There wasn't one thing she didn't love about him. They kept staring into eachothers eyes. They both were snapped out of their daze when the waitress set the food down on the table.
"Enjoy your meal!" She said.
Katelyn unwrapped her silverware and started twirling a noodle.
"So," Katelyn started. "When you said that you would deal with Zane, Aph, and Aaron, what did you
Mean by that?"
"I will just tell them it was someone else." Travis replied.
"I'm pretty sure they saw us clear as day," Katelyn said. "Plus, if Garroth, Laurence, Dante, and Nicole know it's bound to spread soon."
"Well, You're right. But don't worry, I will find someway." Travis said.
"Maybe we should just stop trying to hide it," Katelyn said. "I mean, there's no point if we can't be together because someone know is near."
"If you want to stop hiding it, that's fine with me." Travis said.
"I think I'm ready." Katelyn said, firmly.
"I'm ready whenever you are." He replied.
Travis took a bite out of his burger.
"The food here is pretty good!" He said.
"Yeah, I always order some kind of their pasta." Katelyn said. "I haven't tried their other entrees."
"Here," Travis said, as he handed her the burger. Katelyn took a bite and smiled.
"Wow, I never knew they made such good burgers here!" Katelyn said, as she handed him the burger.
Katelyn took the last bite of her fettucini. The waitress came back with the check. Katelyn reached in her pocket to pull out her wallet. As she pulled it out, Travis stopped her.
"It's okay, I will pay." Travis said.
"Thank you Travis, but you really don-"
Travis kissed her on the cheek and put the cash on the receipt.
"Thank you," Katelyn said.
"I'm glad I got to spend time with you." He replied.
They got up, and Travis handed her the crutches.
As they started walking toward the door, Nicole and Dante got up too. Travis opened the door for Katelyn. As soon as she walked through, he let go as the door almost hit Nicole in the nose. Even though Katelyn couldn't see it, she was one hundred percent sure her reaction was hilarious. Travis opened the car door for Katelyn. He put the crutches in the back, and got in. As they started driving, they heard honking behind them.
"Great," Katelyn started. Probably Nicole again."
She turned around, but to see Aphmau and Zane motioning them to pull over.

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