~Feel so Safe~

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Two days.

The avatar have not come home yet.

Everyone is now worried of how to find Avatar Korra.

Mako can't sleep during night, he always remembers her sweet kisses, her bright blue eyes, and her warm hug.


Korra haven't eat since she was kidnapped. Her body is so weak, her eyes are now dull and has bags under it.

"Having a weak day, avatar?" Amom came in eating.

Korra's eyes can't look forward to the light where Amon came in.
Amon sat infront of her and leave her meal on the floor.

"Your friends is now worried about you, they have been ambush all our hideout except here. They will not find you forever." He let out a evil grin. Korra just stood there, her head shook down eyes close but breathing normally, her tanned skin is now pale and her body became more slimmer.

"Amon, our plan is working on." Another man came in.

"And have you tell to her that my daughter is her friend." He said.

"No i haven't. But you can tell her now." Amon walks out leaving the two behind.

"So, you've met my daughter right?" Hiroshi asked walking around to Korra.

'What does he mean his daughter? Asami?' Korra thought.

"Asami is the only one left to me, but when she tells that she's friend with the avatar, my anger cames out. And she run away, i know where she is staying, she stayed with his firebender friend. So i joined the Equalist to start a rebellion too. You may be asking to your self that where is her mother, my wife. I'll tell you the story."

"It was night when she stood up to go to the bathroom, but when she's walking down the hallway, a firebender and an earthbender get her along with our other stuff. After a few days of waiting, the police informed us that there is a dead body not far away from our house, so we check it out. It turns out that the dead body was her. I will not forgive those selfish benders who killed her mom. Asami didnt sleep in few days. So we move here at the Republic City." He said then walked away and shut the door.


"We found out where is Amon keeping Korra." Linn said.

Mako stood up from his chair.

"Well, where it is?" He asked calmly because he knew this time that Korra will be saved.

"Behind the mountains of Republic City there is a big garage room there and we've seen chi-blockers guarded all around." Councilmen Tarrlok said.

"How'd did you get there?" Asami asked.

"We've assign some metalbenders to disguise themselves as a chi-blockers." Linn replies.

"So, what's the plan?" Tenzin asked.

Tarrlok and Linn discusses the plan for a few minutes and after that they are getting ready to attack and save Korra.

"Ok, hold to your position." Linn whispered to the phone. They've wait there for a few seconds then.

"Mako, Bolin grab some five metal benders and go through to the window up in the roof." Linn whispered again.

Mako started to gather the benders and climed ontop of the roof. Bolin found the window near by the edge of the roof, one of the benders open it, and all that they can see its black.

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