Chapter VI: A Missing Spell

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"Wait, wait, wait."
Robert sighed.
"You're a male, correct?"

The ghostly figure only nodded.
"Of course!"

John only stared.
"That's insane."

Jimmy smacked his arm.
"We're not here to discuss his gender, John."

Farrokh snickered.
"What do you wish of me, anyways, travelers?"

The group was silent, before Jimmy stepped forward and cleared his throat.

"May Queen, sir-"

"Farrokh, darling."
The ghost corrected.

"M-My mistake, Farrokh,"
Jimmy huffed.
"We need to get to the small village of Bron-Yr-Aur. Will you join us?"

His smile instantly formed into a frown, and Farrokh let out a sad sigh.
"I cannot, worthy travelers."
He mutters.
"For you see, a terrible spell had been casted upon me and my gorgeous Prince by a jealous enchantress. We had been separated across kingdoms for thousands of years... And I had never left the Misty Mountains due to this curse. The only way to break free from this, is for me to be kissed by a prince."

The group sadly slumped their shoulders, hopelessly peering at one another in full agony. That's when the sorcerer's eyes lit up.

He pleaded.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you said a prince would break the ghastly spell, indeed?"

Farrokh nodded, and Jimmy instantly clutched Robert's arm, dragging him over.

He bellowed proudly.
"we have found you your Prince."

Robert paused.
"You mean me?!"

"No, the casket digger. Of course you!"

Robert swallowed, looking at Farrokh, whom had a large smile on his little face.

"A-Are you sure I need to do this?"
He stated.


Robert sighed, pinching his lips together and placing them quickly against Farrokh's. The kiss only lasted a second or three.

A large, blinding light flashed beyond the cave. The men stumbled back, squinting their eyes.

When the light dimmed, Farrokh took a glance at his current form. He wasn't a turquoise figure with clouds of puff as legs anymore, no, he was a living being!

The past-ghost twirled around happily, laughing to himself.

"Thank you!"
He cheered.
"Thank you so much! How can I repay you?!"

Jimmy smiled.
"If you could possibly join us, oh sir Farrokh, that would be very pleasing."

Farrokh giggled.
"Of course darling! I wouldn't miss out on it!"


That night, it continued to rain. The group tiredly decided to continue on their slumber. All except Robert, who laid awake with fear in his sky-blue eyes.

A voice came from behind him.

Robert turned around. It was the wizard.

"Go to sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I'm just not tired."

The wizard paused.

"Lies, you're worried."

"Oh really? What am I worried about?"

"Your father."

".... Y-You son of a bitch. Reading my mind, are you?"


"Well stop!"

"Now prince, I have an idea. I can reduce all of your stress with one of my spells, making you grow weary for sleep."

Robert glared, his eyes narrowing.

"You will not."

"Watch me."

That's when the blue eyes of the young prince began to grow dazed, and his eyelids drew heavy.

Before he drifted off into slumber, he peered at the sorcerer and muttered,
"You filth..."

That's when he fell asleep.

Jimmy only smiled, tapping his finger against the tip of his wand.

"Don't underestimate my power."

Sorry that this chapter was short!! 😅 I have school tomorrow so I needed to finish this before I could sleep. Thanks for reading!

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