Chapter II: Walking Side By Side With Death

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"I... What?"
Robert stuttered. His father's grin remained, the smile refusing to leave his coy lips.
"She'll be your bride, Robert! Her name is Violet. She's your age, and she's indeed happy to meet you! And of course, she's happy to marry you." 
The king replied with a small gesture of his eyebrows. Robert swallowed, not knowing what to say, speechless perhaps.
"She's the princess in the kingdom of Kashmir, and her father is very rich! I beg you'll love-"
"F-Father... I don't... Want to marry."
The words slipped out of Robert's mouth with hesitation in the tone of his voice. Robert realized what he just said, and he said it too quickly. He wasn't ready for this! All his life, he wanted adventure! This would just keep him trapped in this foul castle even longer, and he wasn't ready for that.
His father's smile instantly turned into a frown, as well as Violet's small, flirty smile. The king's mouth opened and closed three times, finally speaking softly,
"Robert, can we talk upstairs please?"
That's it. He was dead. Someone should just carve the tombstone right now. His father stepped upstairs quietly with a blank expression, with Robert nervously trailing behind.
They reached Robert's room and the king instantly slammed the door shut, shoving Robert against the wall.
"What do you want from me, boy?!"
He yelled, shaking the collar of Robert's shirt. The frightened prince winced, looking away from the king's dark, furious glare.
"Sir, I'm sorry sir, but I'm not prepared for this!"
The king threw Robert to the wooden floor, giving a low growl.
"You're not PREPARED?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
Robert shifted upwards, crawling back away from his father.
"I-I never knew what it was like! I've never actually been in LOVE! I need to wait, father!"
The prince whimpered, covering his face. The larger man clutched his son's hair and brought him face to face.
"Listen here, Robert... You WILL be wedded. No matter what. No matter how much you hate this decision, no matter how much shit you will be put through, no matter how much sudden responsibility will be given to you, YOU. WILL. BE. MARRIED!"
Robert's eyes narrowed, he felt himself snap.
The king flinched, wide eyed at his son's pure scream of rage. The man gritted his teeth, leaning closer to the younger man's face.
"I will put an end to your life. The body will be sunken in the nearby ocean and your head will be eaten by the vultures in the Misty Mountains."
He smirked.
"Then I'll just say I caught your good friend the blacksmith doing the nasty deed. He'll be sentenced to death at once."
Robert gazed at his father in horror, wincing his eyes shut and letting out a sob of fear. He fell to his knees and covered his face, while the sting of mental hurt tore through his heart.
The King let out a breath, shaking his head and leaning against a nearby wall, soon twiddling his thumbs.
"Think about how successful the kingdom of Evermore will become, Robert. It's either death, or your heritage. Choose wisely."
The King strolled out of the room smoothly and shut the door. Robert looked back and bit his lip, wiping his eyes. He stood up and looked into the mirror against his bedroom wall, sniffing and closing his eyes.
"Death or heritage..." He muttered.
He saw his life flash before his eyes. A bored, depressed man with a ungrateful, cheating wife. Everyone hated him, and he had no idea how to do his job. Unable to take it anymore, he most likely put himself to an end.
The thought itself brought tears to Robert's eyes again, but he stamped his foot and deeply sighed.
"No more of this... No more. I won't take anymore abuse, tears, neglect, none of it."
Robert stepped to his nearby drawer and opened it, pulling out a dagger. He kept in there if there happened to ever be intruders. He pulled his cloak off the rack, setting it onto the bed and slipping the dagger into its pocket. He stepped back and stared at cloak, then in the mirror again. He glared into his reflection. The young prince spoke softly,
"I choose freedom."

Robert's P.O.V.

Laughs filled the ballroom, everyone was having a great time, I could tell. I peered out the window, it was pitch black, the only light to guide someone were the stars. Perfect. Everyone surrounded me with congrats and happy birthdays, and I managed to thank them all. My father stood up on a large, stage like structure.
He bellowed.
"Attention everyone!"
Everyone stopped and looked at him, drunken smiles on their oh so oblivious faces. It was quite entertaining. I almost laughed.
My father began to discuss the wedding plans, and everyone cheered instantly. They were so happy!


Some shook my hand, hugged me, and patted me on the back.
"Father, I have a bottle of wine upstairs we could possibly celebrate with!"
I suggested with a large grin. He looked at me shocked, but then soon gave a look of acceptance and warmth. I assumed he believed that I chose heritage.
"Go get it, Robert! Go get it!"
I laughed, running upstairs and into my room.
The first thing I did was draw the cloak around myself, placing the hood around my head, darkening my face. I reached into the pocket and withdrew the dagger, soon rushing out to the balcony. I noticed a flag outside my room and clutched onto it, jumping off my balcony and hanging there. My eyes glanced down, and I almost passed out. I shook my head and sighed, taking a deep breath and grabbing a nearby curtain, swinging onto the silk and sliding down, soon landing safely on the ground.
My eyes flickered the area. I was safe. I dashed off, soon entering the forest nearby. Not too long afterwards, I heard the sound of horses and large amounts of yells, all of them sounded panicked. I heard my father too, I still can't get that scream he yelled out of my head.
I swallowed and ran deeper into the forest, the sounds fading away. I slowed down and smiled to myself, but then screeched as someone in front of me suddenly boasted,

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