Chapter III: Face to Face With an Outlaw

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Robert's P.O.V.

I yelled.
"What are you doing out here!?"

"You're the one to talk, Percy!"
John replied, his eyes narrowing.
"You have never even set foot in this forest once in your life! What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be at your celebration?"
I clenched his my fists, looking at the ground for a moment. I hesitated on whether I should tell John the truth, or lie. After a few moments of thinking, I finally piped up.
"L-Listen... John, you have to help me get away from here."
John looked at me, obviously confused.
"Get you away from here? Why?"
"My father is forcing me to get married, and I if I don't, he'll murder me and claim you did it!"
John stopped, his eyes wide. He didn't say anything for about a minute, and I knew he just had to let that sink in. After a while, he only whistled.
He replied hastily, clutching his forehead.
"I did not expect that."
I nodded in agreement.
"I know! It's like he's insane! I know he abused me a bit before that, but-"
"Wait, wait, wait. He abused you before you decided to run away...?"
He interrupted. I nodded slightly, causing his mustache to twitch in anger. John clenched my hand and dragged me off.
"Wha! W-What, where are we going?!"
I exclaimed. John sneered to himself.
"I'm gonna help you get outta here!"

3rd Person P.O.V.

"We have scavenged all over the castle, but have found nothing. It is clearly the prince has either been abducted or escaped, so we must venture off!"
The chief of guards, Pete, was standing before an army of soldiers. They were cheering and supporting his spoken decision. Before Pete could get onto his horse, he heard someone shout,
From the crowd. Pete looked over, only to see two of his soldiers raising their hand and running over. One was a little bit tall, had black hair, sharp cheekbones, fangs, brown eyes, and thick eyebrows. The other was short, had blue eyes, light brown hair, and a big nose, sort of like Pete. But he happened to be a lot clumsier.
"Starkey, Harrison, what is it now?"
Pete sighed, tapping his face.
George (Harrison) turned to the crowd.
"We only checked the castle! Why not check the whole village?"
Richard/Ringo (Starkey/Starr) stood beside George and nodded.
"He's right! We believe that one soldier should go into the woods to seek the missing Prince!"
Pete glared at them, raising an eyebrow.
"One soldier goes into the forest in search of the Prince. He'll be risking his life, but this is a good plan. Who volunteers?"
Pete asked the crowd of men before him, soon pouting after nobody raised their hand and offered.
"I'll just have to choose somebody myself then."
Pete's eyes studied the crowd deeply, remembering their strengths and weaknesses. That's when he finally spoke,
"John Paul Jones, in the back."
A rather short, light brown haired, green eyed man peered up with a small flinch.
"R-Repeat that?"
Pete looked at him sternly.
"I want you to go into the woods and try to find the missing king."
John Paul felt himself sweat.
"B-But sir, isn't that dangerous...?"
The man stuttered. Pete slammed his fist down.
"You will go! Now move before I make you!"
A small screech came from the cowering soldier, whom quickly climbed onto his steed and rode off, regretting his decision due to possibly being face to face with either a prince, or death.

Jimmy Page's P.O.V.

I stared at the burning candle that sat upon my dinner table, eating a small plate of deer I managed to kill. (I cooked it of course...)
The night was a usual one. Dark, clear skies, nice temperature, it was quite lovely. I would love to go out into more often, but I can't. No, not after what happened long ago, they'd catch me and kill me instantly... Damn Evermore.

Damn em all to hell.

As I finished my plate, I took the dish and set it on a pile of other dishes. I had decided to wash them now, until a knock on my door occurred. My home was hidden right below the Misty Mountains, below some large branches and out of sight, so I was quite shocked. Then I remembered, the only men whom knew about my home were myself, and a friend I made when I used to live in the village, John. It must have been him.
I stepped over and opened the door, smiling at John, who was standing before me.
"Nice to see you."
I said with a small nod, I soon then noticed who was next to him. The prince...?

"Y-Yes, well, Jimmy, this is Robert. You may have heard of him."
I studied Robert with a dark glare.
"I have. You didn't tell him what happened-"
"I did."
I sneered.
"You're joking."
"B-But sir!"
Robert piped in.
"You're the highest spot on the most wanted list! Can you at least tell me why you poisoned four hundred citizens of Evermore and the chief of guards before Pete when I was 13?"
I looked at him, then at John, then back at him.
"I do believe it's none of your business, but I'll tell you if you tell me why you need my assistance."
John smiled at Robert.
"I forgot to tell you, he's a wizard!"
"Sorcerer, John. I've told you this many times..."
I groan. Yes, I created potions and spells. How else do you think I could kill that many people just at 17 by myself?
"Yes, well, Robert needs your help because he's sick and tired of being abused by his father and the power of the kingdom of Evermore, and doesn't want to be forced to marry."
John informed me.
I agreed without hesitation. Damn I hated Evermore.
"How can I assist you in this?"
"Since you're a good attacker with spells and magic, we need your help getting all the way to the small village on Bron-Yr-Aur."
I thought for a moment, then sighed.
"It'll be a long way, but I'll sure help. You can stay here for the night and we'll leave in the morning."
Robert and John's smiles were bright and wide, causing me to chuckle.
I interrupted Robert's gratitude.
"Whatever. Now shut the hell up. I, and we, need sleep for a big trip like this."

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