Chapter V: Let Out the Light

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Note: RaptorCat1960 is now helping me write the story. :)

3rd Person P.O.V.

As the boys throughout the day carried the body of the unconscious knight, the clouds darken and rain struck.

Jimmy spoke softly, sighing.
"We're gonna have to find some shelter around here..."

John and Robert looked at each other, then nodded.


The three sat in the dim, damp cave with a small fire burning below their feet. It was quite relaxing for John, whom was about to fall asleep.

Robert took a nearby stick and watched Jimmy lay the knight onto the ground by the fire. Soon, the prince stepped over and began to poke the knight with the stick.

Jimmy watched him, then rolled his eyes. Christ, what was he getting into sometimes....
"If you poke his eye out, you're the one responsible for popping it back in."
He states in a bland tone.

Robert glanced up, giggling a little.
"I'm not gonna poke his eye out."
He chuckled. Soon, he moved the stick to the knight's lower lip and moved it, mimicking,
"Look, I'm a skinny wimp knight, hurr hurr."
John could easily be heard snickering in the back.

The wizard couldn't help but crack a smile.
"Is the what they teach you in 'how to be a prince school'?"

Robert glanced up at Jimmy and smiled.
"Y'know, I never went to 'how to be a prince school'. My father just sort of expected me to know everything by myself. Which is, well, dumb."

Jimmy couldn't help but ponder the idea.
"So, basically, you were pushed into the entire situation as a greenhorn of sorts. You didn't even know how to run a kingdom?"

Robert nodded. "Exactly that. My father hoped that I'd just catch on, but I can't just 'catch on' with keeping everyone's lives safe."

"You'd still be a better king than he ever was." The wizard muttered, sneering a bit.

Plant shook his head. "I'd be a terrible king. Upbeat and kind, yes, but I'd have no clue on what I would be doing."

Jimmy smiled.
"Well, maybe you're just not cut out to be a king. Perhaps you can assist John in his work as a blacksmith."

The almost-asleep brunette overheard the chatter, then shot straight up with a grin.
"Hey yeah!"

Robert returned a grin.
"Perhaps so, that is if we stay in Bron-Yr-Aur." He then peered outside, noticing a flash of lighting striking nearby in the pouring substance.

"Perhaps when the weather decides to cooperate..." Jimmy sighed, absentmindedly kicking a stone. The stone flew and hit the knight right in between his eyes, causing them to slowly flutter open.

Jimmy breathed out.

Robert jumped a little, crawling away from the now-awake knight. John stood up and withdrew his sword carefully, hiding it behind his back.
"Ye' okay mate?"
He asked warmly, a welcoming smile being planted on his face.

The knight peered around at his surroundings, then rubbed the back of his head.
"Fine, perfectly fine." He said.

"Good, good." The blacksmith replied. "Now, tell me, what's your name and purpose here?"

The knight swallowed, peering over to Robert. "I-I I've come to retrieve you, sire."

Robert swallowed. Unknowing what to say, he slowly replied with,
"Well, how about you just not take me back there... Please?"

The knight cocked his head to the side quizzically. "But why? Your ceremony to wed is tonight, and you'll be crowned
king by the morrow!"

Robert screeched, then soon glared at the knight. "No! In the name of Christ himself, I refuse to be wedded!" He pleaded, stamping his foot.

Jimmy watched the two, then huffed. "Is that what this whole situation's about? Christ, sire! It's just a girl!"

Robert crossed his arms.
"I am not running a whole entire kingdom!"

"Y-You're not?"
Asked the knight.

"No! Because my father gave me no learning experience, which will cause this whole bloody kingdom to go to hell! Besides, he abused me too..."

Jones' look grew devastated.
"I thought those were just rumors..."

"W-Well it's not."
Robert stuttered.
"I wouldn't lie about that."

"I suppose not."
Jones said, peering out into the rain.
"I can't show my face in Evermore, lest I be killed. So I must ask where you three are going."

That's when John piped in.
"We are heading to Bron-Yr-Aur, the small village across Poor Tom's forests."
He informed.
"We have to get past the Misty Mountains first, but there is..."

John stopped.
"Nah, never mind. It's probably false."
He spoke tiredly, his eyes closed and his arms crossed.

Meanwhile, the group around them eyes' widened, then soon scooted closer.

John opened one eye and quirked his lips, noticing everyone was staring at him bug-eyed.


"Tell us."
Jimmy spoke.

"Tell you what?"

"You said 'there is...'. Well, there is what?"


"You're lying, tell us."


"Because whatever information you tells us, it might help."

John sighed, yawning slightly.
"Fiinnneeeee.... Fine."
He rubbed his hands together smirking.

"Have you ever heard the tale of... The loveless ghost?"

The group paused, then shook their heads. All except Jimmy.

"The May Queen? Is that whom you speak of?"

John nodded.
"Yeah, that's her! It's said that she used to be a beautiful woman, who was with a handsome prince. An evil enchantress one day came across her, and she grew jealous of the two. Then, the evil enchantress turned the lovely couple into complete GHOSTS. Soon casting them away into far corners of complete different kingdoms..."
John smirked.
"It has been said the female lives in the Misty Mountains."

Jimmy laughed.
"Maybe her magic will help us."

Robert, believing the story, turned around quickly.
He cheered, hope in the tone of his voice. He turned to Jones.
"Can you help us?!"

Jones instantly smiled.
"Of course, it is my duty to serve you, sire."

Robert ran over, trapping the shorter knight into a tight hug.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

As he hugged the knight, he peered up over his shoulder to look at the rain's current state. Only to see a sight he'd never forget.

It was dim light at the end of the cave. A vision stood there, it's palm against the cavern wall. It could be seen as a woman, due to its soft hair brushing against its shoulders. It's pale, missing-pupil eyes watched the boys, but then it jumped lightly, shyly hiding behind the rock walls.

"N-No, come out."
Robert spoke warmly, stepping over and standing face to face with the vision.

He lead the ghost back in the cave, away from the pouring rain.

Jimmy, John, and Jones immediately glanced over, stunned.

Jimmy stood up and stepped over, bending down onto a knee.

He spoke.
"Your tale is widely known around all kingdoms. May you service us in this quest?"

The spirt softly smiled, before happily cheering,
"Why hello, darlings!"

John instantly stood up.

"Wait, wait, wait! You... Sound like a... Man..."

And surprisingly, it was.

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