Chapter IV: Abduction

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(Image above is by DrunkGayDrawings from Tumblr!)

JPJ's P.O.V.

"Bambi, wait! Come back!"
My horse didn't reply, for only it was a horse. I heard the galloping of hooves fade away farther and farther, and soon enough, I was all alone.
My mission is to bring the missing prince back home, and I have to check the forest.
Well, the thing that sure happens to be just damn swell, is that I'm already too deep into the thick woods. I have no way of getting back to Evermore, due to my map being stuck on Bambi's saddle.
I stood there, armor heavy and spirit low. Not knowing what to exactly do, I began to walk in a random direction. Maybe I'd get somewhere. It's better than giving up... Right?

Robert's P.O.V.

I felt my eyes flutter open, hoping that this whole mess was just a dream. And, well, I wasn't surprised at the turnout. It wasn't a dream. I actually ran away. And hey! I'm glad I did. Freedom wasn't too far away... I hoped.
Anywho, I stood up and wandered out of the small, wooden room. It was a neat room, pampered with lilacs on the shelves and obtained smooth, polished walls. The floorboards didn't creak and the curtains were soft, they contained no damage whatsoever.

As I stepped into a small room with a table set up with silverware and handkerchiefs, I sat down onto one of the chairs surrounding the wooden surface.
I wasn't necessarily waiting for anything, I only decided to sit down. That's all. As I adjusted myself onto the stool, a door nearby opened. I could tell, obvious creaking could be heard.
The black-haired wizard, wait, sorcerer stepped in. He was carrying a pale of water.

As he crept into the room I happened to be sitting in, he eyed me and only spoke a single,
"Good morning."
"Ah yes, good morning to you as well!"
I replied.
He only nodded.
Soon, he took his pale of water and placed a dead, plucked turkey inside of it. Soon hanging the pale over a burning fire. He must have been preparing for lunch.

I tapped my fingers awkwardly against the table, soon quietly speaking,
"So, when are we leaving to find Bron-Yr-Aur?"
He peered at me and narrowed his eyes.
"Soon after we obtain full stomachs. Is that satisfying information for you, sir prince Robert?"
I swallowed. He was annoyed by my presence, I could tell.
"I-I'm sorry..."
I apologized, grinning a little.
He rolled his eyes.
"It's alright, just... Go awaken your friend John."

I nodded and stood, soon awaking John and leading him out to the dining room. We sat there and discussed what possible routes we could take.
"So it's settled."
John remarked.
"We'll leave through the back door and out through the tall grass and trees, that walk won't be too long. Maybe five minutes. After that, we'll reach the Misty Mountains and will half to get through its canyons, caverns, and different sort of obstacles. This part will take about 3-5 days at max. Soon afterwards, we'll have to travel through the long, dry fields of Avalon with no suspected water. This'll be about 6 hours. Then finally, our longest part, we need to go past the steep hills and forests of Poor Tom, the man who is suspected to still be alive after murdering his family and 73 other townspeople nearby. This part will take a WEEK."
I let out a breath, puffing my cheeks. I felt like that would take too long, but I'd do anything for my freedom at this moment. Just to get away from my selfish father.

Later, the food was prepared and we all ate in silence. John, Jimmy, and I would often look at each other frequently and maybe just smile, give a small nod, a grunt, a hum, a little gesture with our hands, or all of them together.
The food was delicious, but I wasn't used to it. The turkey I ate back at the castle was covered in gravy and tomato groundings, not all that great to be honest. I've tasted better. A lot better.

After the meal, I packed my things in a sack I could carry around my waist. What I brought was a journal, a pen, ink, a container of water, a bit of the turkey, and a quilt.
I wrapped the sack around my hips and tightened it, wincing a little. Maybe I tightened it a bit too harshly.
I glanced into the mirror, studying my current appearance. I was now in simple clothing, given by Jimmy. I actually looked like a townsperson, surprisingly.
My hand reached into a drawer and pulled out a ribbon, wrapping my hair into it. I didn't want my locks covering my eyes.
Soon, I took my cloak and threw it around myself, putting the hood up and placing the knife I had clutched before into my pocket.
I eyed myself in the mirror again, soon nodding slightly and muttering,
"I'm ready."

We dashed out the backdoor, not even giving back one glance. Someone could easily spot us and get suspicious, so we needed to retreat quickly. Nobody could discover us in the Misty Mountains though. That'd be impossible.

Jimmy's P.O.V.

As we escaped, the both of them were rather slow at running. I managed to run at their pace.

I decided to bring my spell book with me, as well with a few potions. And of course, I packed food and water. We all did, for safety precautions. John had brought the map, but now was not a good time to be whipping it out. It was pouring and we didn't have time for such nonsense.

Soon, we reached the Misty Mountains. They were tall, steep, and oh so dangerous. I've seen them, but never dared to go inside. But today I had to conquer the dare and enter the spine-chilling caverns.

When we we're about to step into the gaping entrance of the mountains, a loud cry occurred behind us.
We all glanced over, only to find a knight on the ground. Their helmet rolled off.

"Dear lord!"
Robert gasped, running over to the knight to aid him.
The knight peered up at Percy, and I notice their eyes squint, then widen.
He shouted.

Well shit.

Robert screamed and tumbled backwards, backing away from the knight.
He begged.
"You can't make me go back there!"

John sneered, stepping over with a sword in his right hand.
"I got this."
He informed with a smirk. The knight didn't notice John until John struck the knight across the head with the handle of the sword. They passed out instantly.

He boasted, wiping his hands like he just finished doing something he was proud of.
"Let's continue!"

But that's when I got an idea.
I shouted. The prince and John looked at me.
"We could make him... Join us."


"Wow, he's light."
John sighed, carrying the passed-out knight over his shoulder.

Robert smiles,
"You'll think he be on our side, Jimmy?"

I smiled back at Robert.
"I don't think so, I know so. 'Cause if he doesn't want to be on our side, he'll die."
I snap my fingers.
"It's as simple as that."

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