Turned, in public! o -o"

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"Open up your text books to page-" I slam my hands down on the desk and stand up, "Must you be so boring!! You open up everyday the procice same way. Open up your text books to page blah blah blah. It's so old, perhaps you should change it up a little, then maybe people won't sleep so much in your class! Mr. Zembedebzer, you sir, are a boring man!"

he fixed his glasses and his cheeks turned red, "Mizu, it's Mr. Zembedder. You can take your self to the office for disrupting my class. Or if you think you can teach better, come on up here and teach." I walked over to the smart board and drew a fish up there. Not one of those ugly fish, a perfect fish. "This, class, is a Zebra Turkey Fish, something you all should of heard of by now. You use to have these deadly little guys in your Bay! Did you know that, no? Well they did, and then pollution came in and killed them all off! Since this is Biology I'm sure Mr. Zembedder wouldn't mind you all learning about fish."

The class sighed, luckily I didn't have Leon and Zander in here. "Hey, you all listen to me or else. You won't like me when I'm mad!" I glared at the class and they started laughing. "OK, watch this." I walked over to a guy, a girl watching me closely. I smiled sweetly at him and tucked my hair behind my ear, "Be a dear and make everyone listen to me. This stuff is important. Actually, your survival rely's on this stuff." He gulped and turned around, telling everyone to obey and listen to me. I stood up and again the people laughed at my attempts to grab their attention.

"See, this is why I'm so boring, so this doesn't happen." I spun to Mr. Zebedder, "Shut up, I'm mad now and they'll all listen to me. You all will!" I stalked up to the chalk board and ran my nails across the board, using that to mask my whale song. Out of water, the whales song is a peircing sound that causes pain to the brain. Soon everyone had their heads on the desk. "Now you all will stay awake and learn."

"Mr. Zebedder, it Mizu there?" The announcement crackled. "Yes, she's right here." He glanced at me, "That's all we need to know." Suddenly the door slammed open and the cops came rushing in. I jumped up on the desk and snarled, "Back off. I didn't do anything wrong." The class screamed, Mr. Zebedder stomped up. "What's the meaning of this?" The officer pointed at me, "She, she has no records. No family, no home, she doesn't exist. She's an Immigrant." I started laughing, "I've lived in that Bay out there for god know's how long!"

"That's impossible! You own no boat, you don't exist!" I stood up straight, the desk not even tipping, and sighed. "Officer, lets go on a walk. I'll explain everything to you then." I fell off the desk and landed like a cat. "Come on, I won't bite you." I went to walk past him and he grabbed my arm. "What?" He held my hands out in front of me, slapping on cold metal, "What are these?" He pushed me past his partner and into the hallway. The partner followed, but back a little incase I run.

"Sir, I'm a mermaid. I lived in that lake and I could very well take over this town. Which I'm going to do to clean up my lake so I can live in it again." There was a moment of silence and then they were laughing. "It's true I swear!" I look over to the water fountain and call on the water, it comes up and floats right in front of the officer holding my arm. "Can you carry about three hundred pounds of fish, keep a secret, and not get yourself killed?"

He nodded as his mouth dropped. I smiled and brought the ball of water over to my hand and held it. "Zander, Leon!" I yelled to them, knowing they would hear, even though they were outside for gym. My tail came, the blue magic wraping around my body, giving me a powerful teal tail. The fin was big like a fan gold fish now, I guess I've matured since the last changing. The blue magic continued up my side, giving me a glistening line of teal scales. I slipped out of my dress just as the magic gave me a scale top.

"Believe me now?" He nodded, watching Zander and Leon round the corner, "Take me to the pool, I'm tired of school." Leon picked me up and Zander laughed, "You just went and showed a cop what you are! Not even a big scene leading up to it! Not even a push into the pool, or a walk outside and then it starts raining! That's so like you, short and sweet and to the point." I giggled, "Shut up and walk, hey, check the officers mental standing. I think I broke them."

He nodded as he went to talk to the policemen. "Why would you put yourself at risk like that? He could send you off to some crazy lab! You could be killed, what if he were to have shot you? What would I have done then?!" I sighed, "Because it was needed, I told him that I was going to take over the town and get that bay cleaned up, he's a piece in the game to rank top. Then I'll just vanish back into the bay, become some little kid fantasy, and live my life the way I want to."

He carried me down the steps in silence. "You scared me." I crossed my arms, "Did you know that the only reason I was found was because I was DIEING?! I beached myself on purpose. I wanted to die, but now, I think I can get the Bay cleaned up, and I can go home. Neither of you have to come with me, "I pointed over my shoulder in Zanders direction with my thumb, "I'll go back alone, I don't really care. I just miss the Bay."

He smiled and opened up the door to outside with his foot, "I love you more and more every time you talk." I gag clutch my stomach, "Funny, I don't feel the same." He laughed and walked down the path, his grip on my slipped slightly and my fin hit the ground. It was scraped and I gritted my teeth, "You did that on purpose!" He got situated and shook his head, "Nope."

When we got to the pool, he dropped me into the deep end, locked the door, and got in too. We swam for a while, playing yet another game of tag, then there came a pounding on the door. It was so loud that we even heard it under the water, and the police's voices were yelling at us to come out. They didn't sound too happy at all from where I was swimming at. "Come out or else I'll shoot!"

My heart skipped a beat and I swam up onto the side of the pool, "Zander!" I screamed out. Leon put his hand over my mouth, "He'll be fine, he can handle himself and I'm-" The class door shattered and in came the police. I screamed and relized I wasn't calm enough to use my powers. Leoon should of been able to use him, but I saw no fire coming to the rescue. "Leon, do something!" My heart was pounding and I fell back into the water, taking Leon with me.

"Come on!" Suddenly my arm was burning and the smel of blood filled my nose. Leon must have smelled it too because he looked at me. I screamed into the water as the pain got worse. There was another burning in my shoulder and I couldn't move from the pain, I sank to the bottom of the pool, breaking in heavily through my gills.






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