Agonizing Tension

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Prince Chance hoped that she was the princess of Fatenturia; that way his actions would explain well to Prince Abason. Prince Chance felt it. She has to be the princess...

Prince Chance took his time. He watched the girl laying on the bed and walked a little closer in a quiet manner. 

"Wake up." Prince Chance said sternly. He knew he has enough reason to be suspicious. 

Angel scuffled on the bed. She wasn't too excited to get out of her position and she wasn't ready to see another visitor. She wiped her face with the blanket and slowly rose up from her bed. 

"Prince Chance. I didn't know you were here." 

"Maple." He said in return. He paused. "You still know my name...good." 

Angel froze. That name still hasn't grown on her. Both names still haven't grown on her. She made up her name and Prince Chance was the Greanger King's son. Before Angel could say anything, Prince Chance took a seat close to the bed. 

"But I still don't really know your name, Angel." He said after a short pause.

Angel felt her eyes open a smidge. Not good. Definitely not good. He already went over this. Angel hated it that he remembered.

Prince Chance scooted the seat a little closer. "Tell me. Why do you have two names? Or are those your true names at all?"

Angel didn't know what to say.  She sat there bewildered waiting for what's next. Sometimes she wished that she didn't know who she was.

"Where did you get Angel from?" Angel was surprised. The words didn't even want to get out of her mouth. 

"I have sources, huntress of Alleyal."

"Why are you treating me this way if you know who I am?" Angel said. Fear was rising within her as she was being interrogated. 

"Are you sure your not someone else as well? Who gave you that title? How come you have two names?" Prince Chance narrowed his eyes. 

There were too many questions for her to handle."Prince Abason wont like the way you're treating me." 

"Answer my question. Are you Maple?"


"Are you the huntress of Alleyal?"


"Is your name Angel as well?"

Angel didn't know what to say. She just stared at him a concerning look on her face.

"Is it?" Prince Chance questioned.

Where did he get that name? Angel questioned it more and didn't want to say a word.

"It is isn't it?" 

Angel tried to look back as to where Prince Chance got the name. Prince Abason told him?  Angel kept thinking deeper. Then she thought of Gavin. Should I say yes? It was beginning to look more suspicious the longer she didn't answer. 

"No." Angel didn't realize that was what came out before she said it.

"Really?" Prince Chance "Are you sure?"

Angel recognized that Prince Chance was sure, when she wasn't. Was her name Angel? She asked herself. Is my name Angel? Is that who I really am? Or am I someone else? Someone I didn't know for a really long time?

Angel knew it, but she still couldn't believe it. Her name was so foreign to her the longer she learned about her past.

Angel began to think about her mom and dad. Her real mom and dad. Which was her real mom and dad? She finalized and considered all of them to be her real parents, but she neglected to believe the deaths of her birth parents.

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